Chapter 21

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*Sarah's POV*

     After getting off work I meet the women near my work at a gas station. She told me what kind of food she ate and what type of treats she really liked and I went by pet smart and got her food and some treats then headed home. When I get in I go straight to our room and Arica is asleep all sprawled out on the bed. I smile setting the puppy on the bed and she goes straight to Arica's face licking her cheek waking her up. 

She groans covering her face "Sarah, stop being a weirdo." she mutters rolling over.

I snicker and the puppy barks making her gasp and roll over almost falling off the bed.

"She's so cute!" she squeals hugging the puppy close to her.

"What are you gonna name her?" 

"Darla." as she says the name the puppy barks making us both laugh.

*Arica's POV* 

     Darla was let outside while we ate dinner. Sarah had made bow tie pasta and garlic toast one of my favorites. 

"So how was your day?" she asks making me look up at her.

"Not much I talked with Alesha for a while before my nap."

"What did you two talk about?"

For some reason I blush a little bit and keep my eyes on my plate not wanting her to see my reddened cheeks. "She has a crush on her boss, who happens to be a girl." I say glancing up at her.

"Where is she working?" 

"Some bar." I shrug.

"What's her bosses name?" 

The tone of her voice seemed a bit stern and it made me slightly scared to answer. I pick at my food unsure what to say she seemed mad or something and I could feel myself regressing the longer her eyes burned into the head so my little mind had this wonderful idea. LIE. 

"I don't remember." I say beginning to chew on my lip.

She let out a sigh and I peeked up at her which was a bad idea. The moment I looked at her I know she knew I was lying and that make me shrink in my seat.

"You know better Arica, now tell me it's very important so you friend doesn't get hurt."

I stand up stomping my foot at her "How could she get hurt?! You don't know anything!" My anger seeped threw and I instantly regretted it.

"Arica!" she snapped.

I instantly parked my butt back in the chair knowing if I ran for it my punishment would be worse. 

"What's the lady's name." she growled.

Her mom tone had me too nervous to speak so I stayed quiet and looked down at my food no longer hungry. 

"Arica tell me at least what bar she works at." she says trying to stay calm.

"The one where I used to live." I say peeking at her

"Okay good." she sighs running a hand threw her hair like she had just ran some kind of marathon.

"Why does this all matter anyway?" I mutter.

"Because the women who owns the bar here is a lying cheating piece of shit who will lead her on and throw her away when she gets bored."

"Like Lexi?" I ask softly feeling bad for snapping at her.

She nods slowly "Now as for your little outburst." 

I shrink further into me seat not making eye contact with her.

"You will be sleeping in your room tonight." 

I gasp looking up at her with my mouth gapping. "But.."

"No buts, only good girls get to sleep in Mommy's bed."

My eyes water and my lip quivers, but she makes no move to comfort me in any way. "I'll be good promise." I say my voice cracking.

"You should have thought about that before you went and yelled at me." she says taking our plates.

I sat at the table silent tears flowing down my face watching and she scrapped our plates and did the small amount of dishes in the sink. She then comes over to me and we head to my room and she pulls out a night gown and a good nighty and my tears turn into sobs.

"Baby, stop."

"No diaper." I say rubbing my eyes. "I big girl, I don't need it."

"Yes diaper." she says sternly. 

She then undresses me and slips the diaper on then puts the nightgown over my head and I slip my arms in and hug her not wanting to let go. 

"Come on it's bed time." she coos.

"Can I have puppy?" 

"No, she has her own bed."

She lefts me up and places me in the crib and I lay down all dried out of tears leaving me with very heavy eyes. 

"Good night baby, I love you."

"Love you too." I sniffle as she leaves shutting the door behind her.

I blink my eyes trying to stay awake, but I failed miserably and fell asleep in seconds.

     The next morning I wake up and the sun is just rising, but that's not what woke me, the shower running right across the hall is what woke me plus I had to pee and I was very determined not to use this stupid diaper. The sound of flowing water really wasn't helping either. I let out a groan debating if it was worth it or not to climb out of this crib. My blatter kind of felt like there was a brick on it.

I hit the matress. "How long does it take to shower." I grumble.

Just then the water cuts off making me jump up. "Let me out." I call out.

Sarah comes in, in just a towel and all of a sudden I forget I have to pee. 

"Good morning sweetie, did you sleep okay?"

I nod not really pay much attention to anything, but her boobs. Just then Darla comes running in with her rope toy draging behind her making me pull my eyes away from sarah's chest.

"Come on." she chuckles helping me out of the crib. 

I then remember my batter needs to be empty and I run for the bathroom making it just in time.

"Im leaving for work soon." Sarah calls from our room. 

"Do you have to go to work?" grumble walking down the hall.

She meets me at the door all dressed in her work atiar and I feel kind of sad like I always do when she leaves for work cause once she is gone I am alone for a little bit longer then I would like. 

"Don't worry I'll be home before you know it." she says as she brings me into a hug.

I look up at her with sad eyes hoping my pleasing look would actually work for once, but it doesn't. She kisses my nose and I pull her back kissing her lips with as much passion as I could must and I feel her smile against my lips pulling away.

"Okay tiger if you keep that up I'll never leave this house."

I gasp my eyes lighting up with joy. "Really?"

She chuckles "Now now sweeting." 

I pout stomping my foot following her to the door. She gives me a quick kiss and just like that shes out the door. I swing it back open catching her as she gets into her car.

"I love you!" I shout.

She smiles shaking her head "I love you too baby."

I smile blushing slightly with happiness as I shut the door. I'll never get tired of that smile she gives me. 

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