Back To Work

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I woke up early the next morning to see how my ankle was doing. It felt alot better, but I knew that I would need to be careful today. I had no idea if Clint was going to make me stay another night, I had hoped not. I didn't want to be around Tony as much as you'd think I would. It hurt to much. He was holding onto my waist tightly and drooling on my shoulder. It was cute...but I needed to get up and head to work. I poked his eye.

"Tonyy." I whispered....nothing.

"TONNYYYY!" I whined alittle louder...A slight stir.

"TONYY!!!" I said in a regular voice, he moved alittle bit, and started to open his eyes.

"MMMM!" He screamed into his pillow. I laughed at his little kidness.

"Morning baby doll." He mumbled through the pillow.

"Morning cupcake!"

"You gotta go to work?" He asked


"Are you gonna stay another night? I still need that second opionon..." Dammit...I had forgotten about that...I couldn't let Tony down...

"I don't know about staying the night, but I'll come over after work and see what I can do ok?" He smiled at me, and cheked my ankle. Giving me the ok to be able to go to work, but made me take a pain pill first. I headed to work, sighing. Not in content, but it a sad way. All I wanted was for him to be happy, but he always said that he never wanted to be tied down...I would never tell him how I felt though. The thought of doing that sent chills down my spine. I started to wonder what kind of mission Fury would send me on. He tried to keep me in New York or atleast in the States, he didn't like it when I went to other countries because he was already risking Natashas life, he couldn't risk two very good agents. Sometimes we would go on mission together, but if I did go across the country, i would go to France, or Italy. Mainly because I was fluent in both languages. My thoughts were cut short when I got to the 'average looking building' and I walked in. Being greeted by all of my fellow co workers. I walked into the control room to report to Fury, to see Clint, Natasha, and Fury sitting down talking.

"Sorry sir, I didn't know you were busy." I said

"No! It's good to see you! We've been waiting for you. We have a mission for you to do. It's here in New York, but it'll be risky. I'll give you the report to look over today, and you'll start it tomorrow morning." He got up and handing me the report, and shook my hand, "It's good to have you back Agent."

"It's good to be back sir." He nodded and left me to see Clint and Natasha making googly eyes at eachother. Every since Loki was defeated those two have been staring at eachother non-stop. It was starting to get sickning, "OKAAY! enough with the googly eyes! Sorry to be cock block, but I do sit and do work at this table!" I joked as Natasha and I hugged. I looked over at Clint as I sat down.

"Sooo how'd last night go wit Mr. Stark?"

"Shut up. It was...I don't know. We watched movies and he said it was  a date, and stupid me pointed it out and he corrected himself and said day not date, then we went to his room and just...watched movies for the rest of the night until we felt asleep." I thought about adding in the part where he helped me shower...but they would only tease me more. I put my head in my hands, "No mission is as hard and falling in love with Tony Stark." I mumbled.

"Just calm down Mick." I stuck my tounge out at Natasha.

"Easy for you to say. You have your perfect guy right in front of you!" I said pointing to Clint. They looked at eachother and blushed. I rolled my eyes, "I'm gonna go brief now. I'll see you guys tomorrow before I go on the mission." I mumbled and left. They probably didn't even hear me. I went in search of a quiet place to read my mission, but it just wasn't happening. Then I passed Bruces lab.

'Maybe he would let me be in there...' I thought to myself as I knocked on the door. He looked up and smiled at me, allowing me to come in.

"Hey Brucy!" I smiled

"Hello Michaela, how is your ankle?"

"It's fine, it's still hurting alittle bit though. Whos all here?"

"Well Natasha, Clint, You, and I actually. Steve went to get some normalitly in his life, Tony only comes around when he's needed, and Thor went back to Asgard after letting us know that Loki will never be a problem with earth ever again." I nodded

"Mind if I sit in here and brief on a mission? I need a quiet place, and no where else is working." He agreed and for the rest of the day we sat there. I brief on my mission. Apparently Hammer is starting up trouble again, and I need to go and find out what he's up to. After the day was up, I declined being a 3rd wheel to go out for drinks with Clint and Natasha and went over to Tonys like I had promised. I knocked and he answered. Looking like he just got out of bed.

"Oh...uhm...I'm sorry did I wake you?" I stammered.

He looked shocked, " No I was just uhm-" He got cut off by some girl putting her hand on his chest.

"Look if you're busy I can come back tomorrow morning, before I go. I don' t know how long I'll be gone,and you said you wanted a second opionon..."

"Right! Here just give me a minute!" Before I could reply he slammed the door in my face. I stood there awkwardly waiting for what seemed like hours, but in reality it was only 5 minutes. He opened the door back up, and gave me his beautiful smirk. I smilied as he let me in and led to room. I guess you could call it. In front of my was a large 3D halagram of something that looked like a engine, but with closer look it was actually another type of energy source, but they're was something missing.

"ECO POWERS, has been on my ass to get me to create a new source of power for them, and I found one, and the element is constantly being remade, my only problem is that I can't quite decide whether or not I should put it inside the accelerator, or make it pump into the accelerator with a tube, and I need someone to tell me whats a good idea."

"Well for starters. How hard would it be to change the element?"

"Not that hard."

"Wouldn't they have to change the tube constantly too? Because they tube could go bad?" He nodded, "Ok so for me it seem like you should put it inside the accelerator, and just teach them how to switch it out." I said. He nodded and pulled me into a hug. I hugged back after a minute.

"Thankyou for being such an amazing person." He said the looked at me, "No seriously. you're an amazing person." He stated, obviously reading my mind, and my facial expression. He kiised my forhead. Now knock em dead with your mission ok?"

I smiled a small smile and knodded and left...He probably went back to his whore...

This love was definetly not made to be Normal [[Completed]]Where stories live. Discover now