a year without uploading she comes back with a tag

13 1 2

that no one even tagged her in; she's not a challenge to drag

in other words I got bored and started a thingie and thought it looked nice enough to share

Ive been drawing,,,, a lot, actually, and I've been trying to work on world building for Bec and Becquerel's universe

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Ive been drawing,,,, a lot, actually, and I've been trying to work on world building for Bec and Becquerel's universe

please excuse the lazily drawn knives oof, speaking of, Ezz is fairly recent but he's an angsty edgelord, and he only knows creation magic dealing with steel(usually spawns knives, swords, etc.) the steel is usually pretty strong and nearly unbreakable

that would make him a pretty intimidating villain, hmm? (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

that would make him a pretty intimidating villain, hmm? (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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some gays plus the twinkies refusing to kiss each other, blech

and thats all I have, this draw your OCs thing is v e r y long but its 1:40am and I shouldnt be awake because I have a very busy summer ahead of me but here I am, drawing pointless shit

Some Doodles And Other Art ShitWhere stories live. Discover now