beginning of hell

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After The divorce of your parents,
and dad leaving you.
Mother: I don't want you to Talk to me or even look at me and don't ask me for anything I'm not your mother Anymore!
You: mother ... -worried-
Mother: shut the Hell up .. Don't act like you care you are the reason for every problem in my life
You stepped back...
You're used to this talk
You: mother just listen he's not wor...
Mother: You are the one who's not worth it I've wasted money on you, care and time! Now go AWAY I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU ANYMORE!
You: mother...
Mother: don't CALL me that -she took the knife from the kitchen and hold you and strapped your left hand but not too strong-
You were shocked she almost killed you
You stood up and ran outside the house not wanting to go back
You don't have anything there anyway
Your arm was bleeding... It was in the middle of the night. No one there...
Your mother throw from the window your school bag and uniform
Mother: don't you ever come back again bitch

You, of course, took your stuff and go to a place...
Gas station .. You cut some of the shirts you were wearing and cover your wound
It hurts like hell ...

You sat there for a while
You really don't know what to do next
You stood up and search for a place to sleep the night ...

After the search, you found abandoned building
You got inside and sat there...
You didn't want anyone to know your homeless now
And yeah all you had was your phone, charger, books, uniform, $21 and a hair tie
You were heartbroken you didn't know what to do ... But you tried your self to be calm ...

In the morning 6 am
School time
You wake up feeling like shit
Your back hurts and your arm hurts even more but it stopped from bleeding...
You got to the gas station to the public bathroom and you know she changed and cleaned her arm and got ready for school
You were on the edge tho you were angry
(just imagine all of this happening to you)
And yeah you didn't eat anything for breakfast or even studied last night
You but everything in your backpack and got to the school
You avoided everyone
Till you got inside the class
Yugi: y

did you do your homework
She turned her face in a scary way: no
Yugi: weird that's unlike you
Jonouchi and Honda come running to your desk
All in the same voice: can we copy your homework!
You gave them an angry stare: no
Jonouchi: why! You always give us to copy why now
You: omg can you shut up for one second your so annoying
Honda: Woah calm down
Tea: yeah calm down
You to tea: and why do you care !stuck to your own business.
All of them were shocked of you
The teacher came to class
Teacher: silent
The students do the bow
Teacher: someone collects the homework at the end of the class. Let's start the lesson
Yugi was next to you
Yugi: are you alright .. -worried-
You: fuck off
He was very shocked it's like you changed into someone else
You never cuss
You always come to class prepared
You're nice
But today like someone else
Yugi: you don't need to...
You: teacher can I go to the bathroom
Teacher: sure
You didn't go to the bathroom you got out of the whole school you go to the nearest park and sat down
Trying to calm
You skipped nearly every class
Expect the last one you got inside again and enter the classroom everyone was looking at you
You didn't care
You sat down and Yugi was confused
Teacher: where were you?
You: I was in the bathroom
Teacher: stop lying
You: it's none of your business
Teacher: detention for you I never expected this from you
You: IDC
Teacher: get out of the classroom
You: with my pleaser
You walked outside
Everyone was shocked
You didn't go to detention
He said: 'll give you a chance
Huh like I care
The school day ended and you were going to your "new" home
Yugi: wait!!
You didn't stop
He holds your hand to stop you
Yugi: what got into you! -worried-
You laughed: listen I don't need your pathetic little friendship ok
His heart broke
Yugi: you've changed... -little teary
His friends came running they were shocked that he was crying
Joey(Jonouchi): what have you done!
Tea was holding Yugi
You regretted what happened but you cant change it...
Your really what your mother named you
Joey: don't even think of coming back to us you crossed the line here
You: whatever ...

I hope you like this part
I'm not that good in writing
And my English not that good
But please tell me if this part was good

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