freshmen year

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( 3 years ago)

My alarm usually goes off at 7:15 but this morning it decides it needs more batteries and now I am running super late. I sprint to my bathroom I do my usually toiletry stuff and put on my makeup. I know I am only 14 but  I have horrible acne and don't wanna go to high school looking like this with red dots all over my face.

i finished with my face makeup and work on my eyes. i add a nice light brown to my full lids then put some dark brown to the corner of my lid. i take my black eyeliner and make a thin line near my top lashes and make a wing at the end. i look at my eye makeup and it looks absolutely perfect. i get up and walk to my bedroom closet and grab my favourite white sun dress i waited three whole weeks to wear. i slide it on and walk over to my full length  mirror and i love how i look. i walk back to my bathroom and got out my curling iron and waited for it to heat up. when i test my curling iron by tapping my fingers on it quickly it is fully heated i started curling my hair.

(20 mins later)

i finally finish my hair and get my school back and run down the hallway to my  staircase which is HUGE i mean i become so lazy to just walk up the whole staircase that i ask my mom for an elevator. i make it to the bottom of the stairs and thank god i didn't trip and make my way to the kitchen  our kitchen is pretty big sense my mom basically paid people to rebuild it. my mom makes a lot of money so she can do those kinds of things i like 1 mins conversation on the phone with them. weird huh.

i sit down on the island thats in the middle of the kitchen that has a black marble counter top  and look at my reflection in it sense our housekeeper (Lizzy) keeps it that clean. i look up and see Lizzy preparing breakfast. just by the smell of it i can tell its....... eggs and bacon with english muffin and jam.and before you say anything i just have a high sense of smell. my mom and dad walk into the room and sat down on the other side of the island and don't look at me or say good morning just are on there hones talking to there bosses when i there youngest daughter about to start high school is sitting right in front of them

"Dad" I asked but he just shushes me and points at the phone. I look down at my hands and frown I thought my parents would be different this year but no they aren't  see my family is very rich I guess you can say and my parents work so much that I barley see them I am surprised they are even here for breakfast. Lizzy turns around and gives me a sad smile and i return it and just grab an english muffin and run out the door to the bus stop. as i walk down the sidewalk i feel a hand on my shoulder  ph god what if i am going to get kidnapped or they are going to kill me oh god i am going to dieeee. i quickly turn around. it's my boyfriend max. i give out a sigh and hug him. " why did you look so scared before you knew it was me" he ask

" um i uhhh thought you were going to kill me aha" i say and blush really hard

"really, i would never kill you because if i did who is going to kiss me everyday" he asked while he bends down and gives me a quick kiss on my lips. i blush harder and walk faster to the bus stop while i hear him chuckle. i finally see the bus coming i run onto the bus and go sit by myself. i don't like sitting with greg cause tiffany is there and she hates me fore some unknown reason.

I plug my headphones in and listen to Bruno mars treasure ( A/N my fave song by him) and wait for this 40 min bus ride to be over.

i look out the window we are finally at school and i take out my headphone and put them in my school bag and run to my locker to get my books as soon as i grab my chemistry and math textbook i run to the classroom

" 203,204,205...,"  I mutter to myself as I try to find the classroom.

And I know how would you know your way around the school we had an orientation in august and its september sooooo ya.

i finally found room 206 and ran through the door and run to my seat as the bell rings.i look up at the board to read the board and the teachers name is.......... mr.knowitall . i had to cover my mouth i didn't wanna get in trouble on the first day but it was just too funny . if you look around a lot of student are trying to not laugh to hard but i see one guy in the back laugh so hard he fell off his chair and laughed even harder if thats even possible. he had jet black hair and blue eyes that had tears pouring out from how hard he was crying. the teacher walked into the classroom and i swear this man is bald but he just was so pissed i guess cause his whole and i mean whole head is red." i guess this is our doing" he stares no stare is not a word to describe that he glared like he was gonna murder him waiting for an answer. the boy in the back was still laughing so hard though at his reaction but after was felt like forever which really was 5 mins he calmed down and just smiled and nodded. " well you will be getting detention on your first day of school congraz" he said with sarcasm. i just giggled and looked forward as he started to teacher the lesson.

( three periods later)

ugh it's finally lunch thank god.i am so hungry i wish i didn't just eat an english muffin. i learned the teacher for my first class name was not mr.knowitall  i just giggled at the thought of the name  it really is mr.harble which is still a weird name.i walked into the cafeteria and looked around until i found greg. i walked over to his table and sat beside him while he had  two lunch trays with him. he got me lunch which was some spaghetti and a chocolate milkshake didn't look good together but it is amazing.i just gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and ate my lunch when i looked over at him he just looked at me in disgust. i gave him a weird look before he just ask me the weirdest question ever " crystal i need to know do you love me do you really love me " i just stood quiet while his friends smirked at me and i just thought for a long time "do i love him' i asked myself in my head. i guess i do.

" yes i do love you sense our first date i have loved you you love me too right?" i asked while i tried to hide my face cause i was blushing really hard." of course i do babe" he says while his friends go and walk off. i felt awful he just left after that no kiss nothing. i felt the urge to follow them so me being stupid i did. " wheres my money man i told you i would make her fall in love with me so pay up" i heard Greg's voice. i stood still not wanting to move or they will hear me " dude i cant believe you did it in only 6 months i thought it would be sooner she hangs onto you like her life depended on it" i heard one of his friends say. i felt the tears fall onto my cheek and run down to my neck while i ran away. i ran to the cafeteria and grabbed my bag and turned around quickly to leave but greg was their look at me with a smirk on his face." so you heard sweetheart" he asked and just waited for me to responded. i couldn't talk or i would just break down and cry harder so i just nodded. he laughed and grabbed my chocolate smoothie which i only drank a little of and dumped it on my head while i just stood there shocked.did that just happen? i asked to myself. i looked up to tiffany laughing and Greg's arm around her. i looked at him and asked "why?" he just kept holding the gaze but looked away and laughed " did you really think that i would want to date you i mean look at you" he gestured to my body " you have no curves , your flat as a board and have the weirdest personality ever and you cant even stick up for yourself and now why would i want to date you with those qualities" he asked.

i just stared at the floor while tiffany walked over to grab my spaghetti and dumped it over my head making me scream and look at her with so much angry and sadness " why would you do that?" i asked. she ;laughed and just said the words that hurt me the most " cause it will teach you to stay away from my boyfriend and to get out of his life you pathetic human being actually i think you're not a human being but a dog i swear i mean look at yourself so filthy where is your hygiene dog?" she asked while smirking at me i just cried harder and ran home. i ran so fast to my house that my legs  burned. i ran through my front door tried to run up my stairs finally making it to the top of the stairs  and ran to my room. i jumped on my queen size bed and grabbed my pillow and cried. i don't even know how long i was crying but i cried so long that i cried myself to sleep.


hey everyone so this is my second book I wanna keep up with this book comment, vote plz thank you!!!

ps. plz leave nice comments

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