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Child's play

That's what they called it

Two young people discovering themselves--and each other

Love was a thought

Two best friends against the world

Differences arose quickly

Eyes meet--and we start touching

You liked it

I didn't

Am I to continue?

"Yes" you say.

It was harmless, child's play was all.

But things got more strange

More new

I didn't like it

You did

Too much

I didn't like the way you touched me

Talked to me

Looked at me

You knew it

You didn't care

Things changed

You were serious

I didn't like you serious

I didn't like you at all

"Let it happen." you'd say

My stomach would drop

Heart would race

Panic grew

I didn't think you would

Naive and confused

You ruined me

I couldn't get away from you

You're stronger than you look

Tears don't mean a thing to you

You tore me apart and you liked it

I can never get back get back what you took from me

I pretend I'm okay

I'm not okay

That wasn't okay

But I can't tell anyone

It was my fault

It had to be

I led you on

My "no"s weren't clear enough

I think too much about you

About what happened

I can't think anymore

I can't cry anymore

But maybe I don't have to

Maybe all of this could be gone and I wouldn't know the difference...

But it was only just child's play, right?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2014 ⏰

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