Part 4 - Leila

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I was busy at the hospital doing my rounds and was satisfied that John was first on my list. So it will be quick and over with. (That was what I thought, hope full thinking).

As I entered he was eating and suddenly my mouth went dry and I couldn't say any thing. My my those mouth could do something ells than eating food. His arms and biceps, I must say got very sculpted and I swear now I was drooling over him. 

NO. NO. Get it out of your mind, strictly business. I closed my eyes and focus on the exercises that needs to be done. Only to open them and saw the golden amber eyes looking back at me. 

When I make a move to go over to him and begin to help him the look in his eyes say I need to explain myself. (That is how it was back then and maybe that is how it still will be.)

 I explain to him what exercises we will be doing and he just sat there and let me work on him. As I was working on him I swear he has that predatory look in his eyes and were screwing me the whole time, and how it roamed along my body all the way down and back up again. It didn't bother me, but he could see that just by the look he gave me it was affecting me and he smile that wicked smile , cause he haven't said a word in all his life to me. But who I am I to judge, right.

As I was finished and ready to leave he held my hand and said, "You still take my breath away, after all these years."My body gave in and were on fire, my panties were wet and my nipples tightened just by listening to his velvety smooth voice, but my mind tried so hard to fight it.

I gather my thought, relax my body and left as soon as possible. I couldn't control my emotions and let it flow. Still crying and going to the next client I begin to work and thought to my self after all these years he actually spoke to me. 


I was at home and hurt that my sister got her boyfriend after all these years, that she wanted, by just writing him a letter. Maybe if I write him a letter maybe that will happen to me to. 

I started the letter and everyday I write a little and by the end of the week I thought to myself, no I am not going to give it to him so I put it in my science book for save keeping.

After 4 weeks I can't figure out why every one keep staring at me. When in homeroom one of my oldest friends ask me if I have written John a letter. And I reply no why, and they told me John received a letter from me explaining my feelings to him. 

As I was sitting and checking if all my homework was done I realised that they were talking about the letter that I have written to him. And so my search for the letter began and my humiliation started to get to me that he actually got the letter.

A few days later there was nothing coming from anyone to me. They don't talk to me and keep checking me out to see if I was wrong and do have feelings for him. But the humiliation was so over bearing that I kept to myself and left everyone alone. 

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