Yata Misaki - Barista

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Genre: Fluff; BaristaAU! CollegeAU!Word Count: 1

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Genre: Fluff; BaristaAU! CollegeAU!
Word Count: 1.6k words

The sweet aroma of freshly brewed coffee paired with the warm earthy atmosphere was what made students flocked over to the new campus cafe right at your department. Not to mention, all the staff were handsome and charming lads that you had no doubt was a scheme to attract more female customers. Well, not that you were complaining since who wouldn't want such free service of having a pleasant sight to rest their eyes after intense long hours working on their laptop or thick reference books with tiny letters.

However, what irked you most was the constant struggle of finding a seat in that cafe, especially on days where deadlines were real close and you just really need a convenient place to crash at. The school's library had always been too far from your block, so the cafe was the only option but the unnecessary amount of students from other departments flooding in and taking up space just to ogle at the baristas really pissed you off to no end.

Though you weren't the only one feeling this way, almost everyone in your department felt the same since every department had their own campus cafe, just, perhaps yours may be somewhat better than theirs.

"Are you going to the library today?" Your classmate piped up beside you, watching you gather your things lazily and shoving them all into your bag without a care in the world, "No, I'm going to slay a bitch just so I can get a seat in that cafe."

She snorted, but realize soon after how serious you were, "oh, well good luck with that."

Now it was your turn to snort as you narrowed your eyes at her, giving her your usual luck-is-for-the-weak look. She rolled her eyes and waved a casual bye before continuing on her work.

As you made your way over, you were indeed not surprised at the sight of an overpopulated cafe.

gosh...maybe the library would have been a better idea
but the deadline is in four hours away and the library closes early on Wednesdays.

you can do this y/n, they are just snobby business girls, no big deal right?

You sighed, mentally slapping yourself for giving a pathetic prep talk just to enter a goddamn cafe.

You squeezed your way in, not really apologizing to those girls with faces caked with makeup. They were blocking the entrance anyway so they should've seen it coming.

"Hey watch it!"
One of them snapped, to which you brushed it off with a shrug.

Just as you scanned the area for a supposedly empty seat, an all too familiar voice had you whipped around so quickly, you might have snapped your neck if he wasn't just a mere twenty degrees from your line of sight.

"Here's your ice americano! Have a good day!" He smiled, one that's so bright, you wondered if you might have mistaken him for someone else instead.

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