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Waking up is always a problem for humans like us. But not for me. Waking up was a skill that occurred since I could no longer dream anymore. Now, I can wake up at any time and while sleeping, I can even hear what is going on around me.
Anyway, I woke up at exactly seven in the morning and got ready for school, which was just to dress up and hang up my backpack. Why? Well, I'm not supposed to get wet or that might be it for me.
I wore my red hoodie and my black pants just in case a miracle happened and it rained during autumn. It was going to be my first day in senior high, but I wasn't all that eager. What had happened to me during my summer break had scarred me for life. It made me cut ties with the most beautiful girl and my girlfriend, I lost my best friend in the accident, and I became this. To be frank, my life was now a wreck. And the worst part............. 'I CAN'T DIE!!!'. Normally I'd wait to hop on the bus, but I guess as a senior, we don't do that anymore cuz everyone's getting a car. Okay, so maybe I'll hail a cab or order an Uber, but that's just too much money-wasting since I live by and have to depend on myself. 'So what's left to do, Walk?', well yes. Since I became like this, I can even run it without any stress or sweat. Why? Because I don't lose stamina I can't run out of gas no matter what I do or how fast I go. Sounds pretty cool, but it isn't what I'll want to keep this curse I have.
Well, enough about that. So I walked to school and got there right on time. The parking lot was so full. People came in in cars, bicycles, and even skateboards. So I got into class and everyone was already paired up. That didn't really change anything, especially since I wasn't planning to socialize with anyone. I got the farthest seat from the teacher and at the edge of the class. As I sat down, I put my head on the table switched off my body, and turned on my ears like I normally do. I put my hood on my head so no one would bug me but I think not everyone understood my purpose. Eventually, I heard a tap on my back so I turned my body back on to see who didn't understand my call for no attention. I looked up and saw a girl with black hair and a rose on the left too. She looked at me and was smiling. I didn't know what was happening and I didn't honestly want to start a conversation. But then she talked to me.

Girl: Aren't you hot wearing that hood on your head? (smiling)
Me: No.
Girl: Are you really just gonna lay down there and do nothing?
Me: Yes.
Girl: Wow, don't be a sad sack, man.
Me: Just leave me alone, please.
Girl: Jeez, okay then. Sorry for bugging you then.

Then she left and started talking to some other girls. I knew that was not the end of it. Later when I went to my locker, a random guy came towards me and started talking again. " Hey, why'd you talk to my girl like that?" he said to me. There were a million things I would have said, but I decided to ignore him. He then got angry and pushed me towards my locker. " Oh, silent treatment huh punk." he said again "You messed with the wrong guy dude". I honestly wasn't ready to deal with this because I knew it wasn't going to be pretty. I also knew that he wouldn't just shoo if I kept quiet again. 'But this isn't a reason to be mad at me' was all I was thinking. He kept looking at me expecting a "Sorry, please sir let me polish those old dirty shoes of yours" but all I told him was "Just leave me alone dude". With that response, everyone around stopped what they were doing and gave us the attention we didn't need, great. He was so mad, I kind of expected his next reaction, a punch to the face, but he didn't expect mine. I'm sure you'd expect me to duck, or even catch the blow, but I didn't do anything. And then he stopped. I could tell that he was just trying to make me pee my pants, but it was obvious that this guy was a joke. He still had the mentality of a middle schooler and it didn't fit his slim look. But maybe he thought I was a sadist since I didn't talk in class, so he decided to go hard on me. After he saw that I didn't care, he punched me in the face. But I didn't move. It didn't even tickle. That's another curse. The fact that I can't feel pain, and the fact that pain can't affect my body, so nothing can affect my skin. For example, you drop me in molten lava, no melting for this guy, why, cuz pain can't affect me. So he kept punching me and punching me and people got worried and tried to pull him away. That was when I hit him with the "Are you done?". He was so furious and wanted to come at me again but people held him. Then when he said he was fine and they left him, he came again and put my front body to the locker and held my hand behind. "I'll make you're stay in this school a living hell" he said to me. This time I was furious. I had a million ways also to make his, but before I could say anything, I realized something I did that was a grave mistake. I lost focus and while he was holding my arm, I let go. Weird thing to say right, but what I mean is that my arm came off. For some seconds all you could hear was the screaming bell No one focused on alerting us that we were late for class. Then screams from left, right, front and backwards. Everyone was so scared. "What happened to him? " "How is that possible?" "WHAT IS HE?" They were all scared of what had happened and they all ran. Even the childish bully ran away for his life. Everyone except the girl I had met in class. "So it IS you." she declared to me. "What, why aren't you scared?" I asked shockingly. Already I had planned to be moving to another school, again, but she seemed like she wasn't scared.

Me: How are you okay with this?
Girl: That's because it's you he's looking for.
Me: Who?
Girl: My mentor.
Me: And how do you know that?
Girl: Because you are one of them.
Me: What?
Girl: One of the victims of the anti-human.
Me: The what? Even I don't know what I am.
Girl: But I do.
Me: And what am I?
Girl: You are the rarest one of the seven. You are the ZOMBIE.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2023 ⏰

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