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"Now what your going to do is tell me who the hell you were sleeping with." Jay said picking up the cigarette bud and pressing it against back making me freeze by the burning sensation hitting my back.

"I'm telling you, I wasn't sleeping with anyone. I got these bruises because I was in the gym training yo get in shape with this new movie they are trying to cast me in. I would never cheat on you seriously we've been together for how many years? Jay please take your medicine I promise you that I wasn't messing around with anyone. You know the side effects of not taking your pills make you create scenarios in your head. Please rest baby I forgive you for the burn and the punches, just go to sleep." I said lying to him but he'll believe me because he knows how he get when he doesn't take his medicine so it's a perfect lie. Keep him knocked out while I live my best damn life.



"Come in!" Jay yelled while going to his medicine bag and pouring himself a glass of water.

Walking in the room was none other than the guy that was blowing my back literally minutes before. He had his signature smirk plastered on his face and his arms wide open.

"Bey baby you looking as sharp as always. You better close your mouth before someone put a dick in it." He smiled smacking my butt.

"Jay what's up uce, I heard yelling I got worried for a second everything alright?" He said while pulling Jay into a bro jug.

"Yeah everything alright, Bey fell on the floor she said she went to the gym, so I guess her muscles gave out on her. So what are you doing in town you should have called I would've picked you up." Jay said.

"It's fine bro I had to meet my old lady friend. You know we had to reconnect for a couple of hours, I had to make sure she remembers who's daddy." He said laughing sending a smile my way.

This man will be the death of me literally and physically. He openly flirts with me in front of Jay and Jay so stupid he just stands there. Meanwhile, every time he's in town he fucks me so good that I can barely stand. Jay doesn't care that much I just make up a lie and say that I'm going to my vocal coach. In a way I am because he sure knows how to make me hit those high notes.

"I hear that, I have to show Bey every other night why they call me the king." Jay said putting on his shirt.

Don't nobody call this ugly ass nigga King, he's just lucky that he's forcing me to stay in this relationship because he needs me. Without me he wouldn't be put on a pedestal like he is now in a way I make him more relevant than he is.

"So would you like to go to breakfast with us, you look like you're hungry, and we are going to IHOB?" I ask Dwayne while staring at him with so much lust. The way his muscles flexed through his right shirt. He could have me now but unfortunately Jay is here, I don't even know why he's still here. We basically are in an open relationships, he goes out and fucks his Becky's and I go out and fuck my Dwayne's I love his Polynesian sauce if you get whey I'm saying.

"I would but I already had a full course meal earlier." He said winking.

"Oh don't tell me this girl wore you out, I thought you were the Rock and nothing wears your big rock out." I said winking back at him.

"Baby girl let me tell you this sing no woman ever wore me out, they are the ones that need to catch their breaths, I just leave with the battle scars." He said sitting down on the chair "and my rock never is soft it's always hard especially when I see something I like."

"Oh really because I see your dick imprint, so the lucky girl must be around here." I said smirking.

"Why you looking at his dick anyway." Jay finally spoke up and ruining the moment. "Nah we ain't going to breakfast me and Bey had to have a very important conversation on the state of our relationship. I guess we can meet up later but right now this is a serious matter. So..." He said nodding to the door signaling Dwayne to leave.

"Aww leaving so fast but uce I get it got handle whatever you need in your relationship. I'm going to go find my girlfriend, I know she's wondering where I am. Plus I think I might need another release we are trying for a baby to fingers crossed this time." Dwayne said leaving out the hotel room without even saying goodbye or anything.

Hold the fuck up he has a girlfriend and he's trying to have a baby with her wow. So he was just balls deep inside of me and he's about to do the same thing then 2 can play at this game. They don't call me the Queen for anything and it's time to play chess bitch.

"Jay I think it's time for us to expand our family, remember you always wanted a baby? Now how about we add on to that."

"You serious?"

"Yes, Dwayne, really opened my eyes and he made me realize that I can wait up on anyone because they move on just like that and right now I want to have a baby."

"Alright, lets start right now."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2018 ⏰

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