Chapter 9

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Nico sat across from his father, sat across from the large man with his hands in his lap. How could that man possibly be his father? Crown, suit, pale skin and sunken eyes. He eyed Nico as if was nothing more than an object, as if he had just received his package and was making sure it wasn't damaged.

They sat in silence for what seemed like an hour, Nico keeping his gaze steady. He stared into Hades' eyes, made sure the older man knew he wasn't scared. He wasn't going to be scared of a coward, a coward who was too scared to even raise his own son.

Nico finally got bored and spoke up, his arms now crossed over his chest. "What do you want?"

Hades smirked. "So you can talk."

"Just tell me what you want, Hades. You flew me across the world and all you've done is stare at me." Nico glared at him. "Now tell me, what do you want?"

Hades' eyes narrowed. "There are rules. What I say goes. Other than that, everyone should listen to you. But they'll always follow my orders first. Second, don't go into the dungeons. Got it?"

Nico nodded. "Simple enough."

"Now, go." Hades gestured to the door. "I have work to do. Just stay alive and stay away from me."

"You flew me across the world for that? Are you kidding me?" Nico stood up as his anger got the best of him. "You really are a bastard! You took me away from home for that?!"

"I thought I said to go out, now." Hades sighed. "You don't listen well, do you? Fine, I'll have to make a deal. If you don't listen to me then your little friend won't be around much longer. What was his name? Percy?"

Nico clenched his fists, kept himself from punching Hades. "You really are an evil king. An asshole. Just wait until it's my turn to rule this place."

"You speak like it's going to happen soon." Hades tilted his head as he watched Nico. "Now get out before I hunt down your friend. Your choice."

It took all of Nico's strength to walk out instead of starting a fight, which he would later thank himself for when his anger was gone. But for now, he cursed himself on the way out as he stormed down the halls that he knew nothing about. Left turn, right turn, up a staircase and over a walkway. Anything to get him away from the man who claimed to be his father.

It was Will Solace who eventually found him curled up on one of the hallway benches, his knees to his chest and his arms wrapped tight around himself. Nico's dark hair covered his face but Will could hear him crying, hear the small gasps of air that came from the young teenager.

"Prince Nico?" Will sat beside Nico as if he was sitting beside a bomb. "Are you okay?"

Nico snuck a glance at Will before burying his head back into his knees. "I hate him."

"King Hades?"

Nico nodded. "Hate his filthy ass."

"You agree with about ninety percent of the population." Will sat back and crossed his ankles. "What'd he say, if you don't mind me asking? You definitely don't have to tell me if you don't want to, Prince Nico. I'm just a servant. But I'm trying to help and sometimes talking about it helps."

"He's an asshole." Nico's fists tightened and a steady stream of blood dripped from his right hand. "Only cares about himself. Flew me all across the damn world to tell me to stay out of his sight until he dies. Threatened to hurt Percy if I don't listen to him."

"Oh..." Will watched Nico before reaching into his small strap-on bag, pulling out an ace bandage. "Can I see your right hand, your majesty?"

"What...?" Nico looked at his hand before letting it fall to his side. "Whatever."

Will cleaned the crescent-shaped cuts with an alcohol wipe before wrapping Nico's hand, making sure to do it well before gently laying in back on the bench. "There you go, your majesty. It shouldn't hurt much anymore."

"My hand isn't the pain that's bothering me," Nico whispered into his knees, his tears having turned to the emptiness of depression. "It's not that pain that hurts."

"I know." Will put his supplies away before moving a hand to Nico's back. "I know, Prince Nico. Trust me, I know."

Nico laughed without humor. "I doubt you've been in my position before. You seem to have a perfect life."

A thin smile crept over Will's face. "I'm afraid you're wrong, your majesty. I'm a servant, remember? It's not a job you want or sign up for. Me and Annabeth were bought by King Hades. We were in the human trafficking system for a while. I was a part of the Black Market, and not the safe part. We were born into it."

"He bought you?" Nico finally looked up from his knees to meet Will's face. "He actually bought you, instead of arresting who was selling you?"

Will nodded. "You've got that right. Every servant you meet here is going to have that kind of background. That's why this city is the highest human trafficking center in the world. There's good business here."

"Not when I'm king." Nico muttered to himself. "I won't let that happen."

Will zipped his bag before giving Nico a small smile. "You'll be a good king. Just hang in there, okay?"

Nico wiped away his tears. "Okay."

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