Anthony Ramos.

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I wake up at home to my alarm clock buzzing. I tell it shut up. I wake up to Sophie clanging dishes and putting them in the dishwasher. She's not very considerate of people trying to get her sleep. I go downstairs immediately to Sophie cooking eggs,bacon, and toast. Good morning I say. Good morning she says as she's finishing up. I made us breakfast she says. Thanks Sophie I say as I grab a plate and some milk. After breakfast I go upstairs and get dressed I had to meet Anthony Ramos at 9:00 and it was already 8:30 I wore this:

 After breakfast I go upstairs and get dressed I had to meet Anthony Ramos at 9:00 and it was already 8:30 I wore this:

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Then I rushed to the place that we decided to meet the diner

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Then I rushed to the place that we decided to meet the diner. I drove my small Toyota about 9 miles before I got there. There he was smiling. He said hi. I couldn't believe I how I was doing this. I said hi back. He asked if I wanted to go inside I said yes. Once we got a table he said sooo....why did you choose me? I wanted to say because your the hottest thing ever and I wan5 to kiss you and make you my boyfriend but I actually said I think it's really cool that you are a big part in 21 chump street and hamilton. He said where do you live I said about 9 miles down the road. It's a neighborhood called (your neighborhood) . Oh he said I think I passed that. He then asked me what was my favorite hamilton song I was about to say Lauren's interlude but that would make me seem like I was some crazy stalker fan so I just said story of tonight which is my second favorite. He thought that was cool. Then the waitress came and asked what we wanted. I ordered this:

 I ordered this:

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Anthony had this

After we ate Anthony said I really liked this maybe we can hang out again sometime

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After we ate Anthony said I really liked this maybe we can hang out again sometime. Yeah definitely I said. We exchanged addresses and numbers. I was screaming in my head. Then I went home. Sophie was there and she said how did it go? I said good. I was gonna scream I GOT HIS NUMBERRRRR then I remembered she doesn't know I like Anthony so I said that.

That night Anthony's calling with a nervous tone in his voice he says umm Y/N do you want to go out with me. I kept it chill in my head and wondered how many lucky stars I wished on for this to happen. I said yeah that would be great and hung up. I then went to bed. Tomorrow is a great day.

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