Chapter 1

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Slamacow  pov.

Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! I and my friends are running away from creepers again! That's so bad! By the way. My name is Slamacow. Or.... You can call me Steven. I have got brown hair, brown eyes, wearing my favorite blue-white stripped shirt, jeans and grey trainers. Yeah and I said I'm running away from the creepers! I hate them. And about friends: Bart the Enderman and Dave the Zombie. We are best friends for many years. Bart is the smartest one. He's not like other Endermen, I mean he's the shortest one. And he wears black brown costume with pink/purple bow. And he's running from creepers with Dave... Well.... Teleporting with Dave. And about Dave is... Well Dave. He's not like other zombies. He wears white shirt, jeans and trainers. He has a game block and... He's also can be annoying but I don't care about this... Sometimes.

Bart: Why the Notch did you throw the bone to the creeper?!
Dave: Well that's me, Bart! You thought that I won't do it or Slamacow will do it?!
Me: Dave! That's your fault that you threw that stupid bone!
Dave: That was rude!
Bart: "takes me and teleports with Dave and Me"
Creepers: ???

That was a second of teleportation and I fell down on the grass. And that's hurting...

Me: Ow....
Bart: Sorry for that Slamacow.
Me: "smirk and get up" It's fine.
Dave: Yay we are finally escaped from the creepers!
Bart: Yeah!
Me: I know. "Take a map from the inventory"

I looked at the map and I'm not so good at reading maps if be honest to say. We always get lost and I hope that won't happen again. I start walking, Bart and Dave are starting follow me.

Dave: We're here for a while, where we going now?
Me: I need to look at the map.
Dave: Okay say so, mister navigator.
Me: Hm... Alright let's... We will get to the Rich town.... If we will go to straight and turn to the left to see the trap game.... Maybe.
Dave: What is the trap game?
Me: Eddy told me that this place is where hunters live. They're getting ready for hunts or for battle against mobs.
Dave: Oh that explains more. But where we need to go now?
Me: We need to go straight to see the waterfall.
Dave: Oh okay. That won't be too far. Anyway buddy, are you tired?
Me: Nah. I'm exactly thinking about watermelon and well-
Dave: Watermelon?
Me: ?
Dave: We're walking around the forest in nowhere! And you're starting to think about food! Also about watermelon.
Me: If be honest, I'm starting to get hungry. We have almost no food. And well... Yeah.
Dave: Yeah...
Me: Alright let's just- "hears something" ?

I heard something like... Animals running away... Hunters?! Wait it can't be! I start running but Bart stopped me.

Me: What the- Bart?
Bart: Let me check, okay?
Me: Hm... "Nod"
Bart: "teleports"

Bart pov.

I teleported on the tree and I saw this house that Slamacow told me and... Wait...

???(1): You're good at this time bud!???(2): Hoho! I know! I got for you many meat for the dinner! ???(1): Yeah

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???(1): You're good at this time bud!
???(2): Hoho! I know! I got for you many meat for the dinner!
???(1): Yeah. I get really hungry after this hunt.
???(2): Me too. Also we found this good house!
???(3): But there can be somebody here. Let me check!
???(1 and 2): Good luck!
???(3): "walks into the house"
???(1 and 2): "follow him"

And then they closed the door. Wait!... They can't be... No, no, no! Let me think. I remembered that day when I was in the Spleef tournament with Slamacow and Dave. I also remembered the final round and... Oh my Notch! I teleport back to my friends because they need to hear that!

??? Pov.

I walk into this little house and closed the door. I saw three people: bearded man, villager and skeleton. They didn't understand why the door closed and I turn off the light. They weren't so scared I see. They're brave. Bearded man and skeleton go to find out what happened. Only villager left. Heh... I come to him. And I took villager's hand and he is scared. He didn't expect to see me.~

???: You have something that belongs to me!

He didn't understand what I'm talking about. He starts shaking of fear. I come to him closer to see that! He's really scared and I love it! Wait!... Foot steps? Someone coming for him!

???: Well... We'll see next time. No matter where... No matter when... No matter WHAT!

After that I disappear in darkness~

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2018 ⏰

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