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In a world far beyond our own, a young girl was sitting under the shade, holding a fresh glass of green lemonade (don't ask me how it's made. Because I have no idea). This remarkable young girl was exceptional in everything she did. In fact, she could play twenty instruments (Bass, Banjo, Bassoon, Bugle, Bongos, Balalaika, and the Bagpipes to name a few).

In her own little world yes, she was the center of attention. But although that can be a dream for most people, it was a nightmare for her.

For two years now, Candace Flynn had been secluded to the distant planet of Mars. A planet that she now ruled over.

Yes, it only took three weeks for her to realize how silly she had been for abandoning her friends on Earth, as well as her family. In fact, her friends had been the reason she had stepped through that stupid portal.

As silly as it was, Candace had gotten the idea in her head that her friends and boyfriend were annoyed with her because they were all busy.

But just because people don't spend time with you all the time doesn't mean they don't like and care about you.

Candace had learned this the hard way.

Sitting in her royal throne, she looked up at the ginormous statues of her that her alien subjects had made.

A little green Martian bounced up to her holding her crown, which clearly, she had "accidentally dropped" on one of her walks.

Candace thanked him with a nod and placed it on her head. It had gotten heavier through the years, and she didn't quite know why.

Another group of Martians ran to her side offering food to go with her drink. She politely thanked them for the offer, but said no. In alien, of course.

Oh, and that's the thing. Since Candace had been stranded here for so long, she had quickly picked up Martian, and yet in the same process forgotten how to speak English.

"Ugh." She muttered to herself, because there were no other alternative words, "Silli jaba, fiioop." Candace announced to her subjects.

The sentence roughly translated to "excuse me, I am going to bed."

The aliens politely parted ways, and two of them walked her to her bedroom. She thanked them kindly and tucked herself into bed. Originally, it had just been a pile of rocks the Martians had lumped together. But after noticing her discomfort, they had constructed a perfectly sturdy bed, and even knitted a sheet and a couple of pillow cases. The pillows, however, were just rocks (figures).

Candace tucked herself in and bid goodnight to her little green friend. She looked up to the sky and stared longingly at the planet Earth. She ached to return to her friends and family, but she was in too deep.

Just look at her, she had been living here so long she had forgotten how to speak English!

Candace often thought of her little brothers, Phineas and Ferb. Two years ago, on the same day she had ran away, they had come into the portal to rescue her.

But she had said no.

They had even begged her to come back, but she had rejected them. They had left sadly, most likely feeling abandoned. But they had followed their sisters' wishes.

They never returned to get her.

That's how loyal they were to Candace. Even if they despised the idea, they would always do it if it made her happy.

Candace sighed sadly and let herself drift off into sleep.

On Earth, 13-year-old Phineas and Ferb were sitting sadly under their backyard tree. They had been this way ever since their sister had left Earth to be Queen of Mars.

"D'you think she misses us?" Phineas asked his green-haired step brother Ferb.

He shrugged in response.

"Yeah." He sighed and looked down at his feet, "It's been two years now. I'm tired of waiting."

Ferb looked at his brother.

"Mom's a mess, and we're not allowed to leave the house without her. Like, seriously, we're not allowed to come out here without her."

He looked at his brother, "I really want to see her again Ferb. Even if she doesn't come back, I just really need to talk to her again."

Ferb gave him a thumbs up.

I can always count on him, Phineas thought. The two walked over to their Mother, "Mom? We're going to go to the garage."

She nodded and followed them inside.

This was it.

The decision was made.

They were going to see their sister again.

A/N: Sorry this chapter is so short. Its supposed to be the introduction chapter, so hopefully the others will be longer. Oh, and P.S.: If you hadn't noticed, I'm going through a bit of a P & F phase right now. I'm sorry if all these annoy you. 

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