Act of Love: Part 7

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Love is like a war
There is always one thing that wins out
Or even one that hangs out bar
Or sometimes one person tends to make a loud shout.

Love is about sharing secrets
A secret that no one will know
The things we shared we will never have regrets
That keeps the relationship going low.

The moments we shared will never be unforgettable
It helps us to build and conquer
Also to become firm and able
And yes to be better.

Love is like a bicycle
It keeps moving and moving
In every stage, every cycle
So that the movement keeps on balancing.

My love is the best thing I enjoy
Just staring at him dearly
He brings so much love and joy
In the mornings very early

The best thing about love is the bond
That keeps us closer and closer
Which makes us not weak, but strong
As we're meant for each other.

When darkness in our love surround
We cannot see what is going on
It's like we're in chains and therefore bound
But we have got to be strong.

Thick clouds are a covering
To us who seeth not
Then that's when we started discovering
That God is the only thing we got.

The Almighty is our defence
The foundation in our path
He edged around us just like a fence
Where none of our enemies can do any wrath.

Love is humble
It never falls
The enemy came to destroy but they stumble
Because of this great love that stands for all.

To love is to forgive
For everything that has befallen
So the life we had is more comfortable to live
And all would be forgotten.


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