Picture Perfect

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Claire flipped her golden curls over her shoulder and walked over to the table in the corner. She sat down and smiled. A startled face looked up from his cup of coffee. He must’ve been deep in thought, Claire thought to herself.

“Hi, I’m Nadine.” Claire offered her hand. He frowned in confusion, but took her hand anyway.

“Nathan.” He smiled uncomfortably. His dark hair was long and it must’ve been a few days since he has shaved, because stubble had formed around his jaw. “I’m sorry, but do I know you?”

Claire laughed. She had been told her laugh is mesmerizing and she tend to put her qualities to work. “Not yet.”

Claire has been in this role time and time again and she knew exactly how it will play out, but that didn’t stop her.

“Are you waiting for someone?”

Nathan glanced at the entrance of the coffee shop and then at his watch. He shrugged. “I guess not.”

“I have tickets to the 8 o’clock show at the theater. Would you like to join me?” She never was one to be around the bush. She believed if you have something on your mind, come out and say it. Maybe someone should’ve told her she doesn’t have to use it to hide what’s really on her mind. “That is if you don’t have any other plans,” Claire added.

Nathan looked at Claire like she was crazy. Where did she come from, he wondered.

“Do you often ask out random guys in public?”

“Just the really cute ones.” Claire looked as Nathan smiled amused. She stood up and looked at him expectantly. “Are you coming?”

This is where he stands up and follows me, Claire thought. And of course she’s right. Nathan looked at the door one last time and then stood up, hesitantly. He threw a $10-note on the table and then looked up at Claire.

“Let’s go.”

         * * *

Mrs. Haneley sat down opposite of Claire. “I made reservations at a restaurant for tomorrow night.”

“Enjoy it.”

“It’s a family dinner, Claire.”

“I can’t make it.”

“But it’s your father’s birthday.”


“Please, Claire…”

Claire stopped eating her yogurt, but she didn’t look up. “I’m sorry, Mom. I have to work on a college project.”

Mrs. Haneley reached over and put her hand over Claire’s. “Claire, please, your father and I need you to be there.”

Claire looked up. There was no sign of emotion on her face. “I told you I can’t be there! Stop hassling me.”

She pushed her half-eaten bowl of yogurt aside, stood up and left the room without another word to her mother.

         * * *


“Armand.” He offered his hand. He had an Armani-watch on, Claire noticed. She looked up and took his hand.

It’s not like Claire cared for things like expensive watches or decent suites, like the one Armand was wearing. She could get any of those with a swipe from her golden credit card. She wears designer high heels herself, but when she noticed it on a guy, she knew he’d have more class. She didn’t waste her time on lower class clowns, anybody decent enough could see that by just looking at her.

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