Part 4

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"and then that's the Inkopolis Cafe, they make the best Shell Rolls! they're soooo good!" 

Pearl lead Marina to the Inkopolis Cafe. the aroma of fresh cinnamon and donuts filled her nostruels and left her in wonder about what they would taste like.

(Marina)"they..smell delicious!"

(Pearl) "You've NEVER tried Shell Rolls!? they're amazing!"

(Marina) "i really haven't! maybe one day i could get to try one...!"

suddenly, the TV screen came to life.  

(Marina)"Woa...who are they?"

"Those're the squid sisters! They're major idols around these parts! Their music is amazing! You gotta listen to it!"

(Marina) "music..."

-the next morning...-

Pearl woke up from her overnight slumber. She rubbed her eyes, yawning.

"Nice morning, eh Marina?"

No reply.


Pearl turned to the sleeping bag that her Father prepared for Marina, only to see she was...gone. Pearl immediately began to panic, thinking Marina ran off to Octo Valley. She hopped out of bed, searching around her room for clues to where her Octo-Friend went. An open window. That's what she could only find. She looked out, seeing a puddle of mud and a trail of brown footprints leading to Mount Nantai, the mountain near the mansion. Pearl's face broke. Quickly, she didn't hesitate to put her jacket on(without changing out of her pajamas or putting on shoes) and rush near the mountain, calling out for Marina every step she took.


Suddenly, singing. Singing in the distance. Pearl quickly followed the source of the beautiful notes. It didn't take long until she climbed up the mountain, that was where the music ended. And there. there was Marina, eyes closed, beautiful soft singing from her mouth. It was incredible. Her voice was like a waterfall of beautiful Peach Blossoms and lilies. Pearl watched as Marina continued to softly sing. She didn't wanna make any noise. for that will only attract Marina's attention. However, Marina had other plans, cuz she turned her head the moment Pearl let out a hiccup. She stopped singing and jumped slightly, surprise in her eyes. The 2 stared for a minute. "Wow. you are a GREAT singer." Pearl finally managed to hiccup out. Marina blushed, looking to her side. "Really? I don't think it's that good...." she smiled, flustered. Pearl went to Marina and sat next to her.

"No way! Your singing is AWESOME! I knew the squid sisters would influence you somehow!"

"It's not the squid sisters...i've learned to sing ever since i was 5. I knew what music was right before i was even an Octoling."

"You're pretty impressive for 12 years old."


Pearl's eyes widened. "Huh??" she asked. Marina held onto Pearl's hand, excitement in her eyes.

"Yea! We can be a band! We can start making music together! It'll be like a duet!"

Pearl snickered. "Hehe! Well, i don't know about that. I'm not that good of a singer!"

"What!? No! I wanna hear you sing! You may have an amazing voice!"

"i may not be good at singing but, i'm a pretty good rapper!"

"really?? can i see?"

"nah, it would be embarrassing."


"if you really wanna make a band, we gotta make some songs first! let's see what we can do!"

"sounds good to me!"

the 2 ran back to Pearl's house, got some paper, and got straight to writing songs.

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