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Chapter 2: meeting the werewolf Alpha

I walk in the woods and begin exploring when I get to a clearing I see a waterfall to the left and a tall brick tower. It looks like it has over 20 rooms. I walk up to it and gently knock on the door.

I hear thumping and yelling then the door opens to revel a guy with dirty blond hair, blue eyes, and full pink lips. I explore his body more and see that he has a 6 pack and is very tall. He coughs and I look up to look him in his eyes.

Heat rises up to my cheeks and I start to speak "I am Kiara. I came to see if there were actually mystical creatures in these woods, but I can clearly see that there isn't," I say as I begin to walk away. I feel electrical shocks travel up my arm when someone places there hand on my wrist.

I look up to see a shocked look on his face. He quickly masks it by showing no emotion. "Well that isn't true" He says in a deep and husky voice that made butterflies come alive.

"Are you a mystical creatures," if so he is one attractive creature.

"Thanks and yes," he said with a lop-sided smirk. That smirk is to die for. Wait why did he say thanks?

"Why did you say thanks?" I ask completely confused. "You said I was attractive," he said not missing a beat. I said that out loud. God dang it. My face heats up again.

"Oh... I-i d-didn't mean t-that," why did I have to stutter that? I just keep on embarrassing myself. "Can you tell me what you are?" I ask after the embarrassing moment.

"Yeah, come inside," I follow him inside his tower and he walks up to a elevator. We walk in and he hits the floor numbered 17. There were only 19 floors. We get off the elevator and there are 5 doors on this floor. We walk to the 3rd door and walk in.

It's a room with a king sized bed with black comforters and three pillows, a dresser with probably clothes in it, and a desk with a laptop and paper work on it. The wallpaper in the room is dark red and there are pictures of wolf all around the room.

He also had a dream catcher above his bed. I like this room. He sits on the bed then gestures for me to do the same. I go and sit by him and he turns towards me.

"Ok...so I'm a werewolf," oh. my. gosh. I didn't know he was a wolf, He doesn't look like one, He's not hairy like I thought he would be.

"Can you show me?" I ask. I want to make sure he is a wolf, before I start going around school saying yeah I met a man that said he was a wolf. He looks at me and then his eyes look like he is having an argument with himself.

"Um...ok, but my wolf is different from me and yeah," he said scratching the back of his neck. "Ok," I don't really care if there different. It's not like the wolf can talk, at least I don't think so.

His eyes haze over and his body begins to shake. His clothes begin to rip and hair starts to grow. It the flick of a finger there is a wolf the size of a bear in front of me. It's black and has blue eyes like him. I don't even know his name.

I reach out my hand very slowly to not scare him and he comes to me and puts his head on my hand. I scratch him behind the ear and he purrs.

"Your so cute," I say and the dogs eyes light up with happiness. "What's your name?" I know he can't speak but he can write it.

He picks his head up and looks at a flower. Is his name flower? "Your name is flower?" I ask. He shakes his head 'no' and I try to think of other words for flower. "Um... Is it Indian?" I ask if so I have no idea. He shakes his head 'no' again. "Chinese?" 'no' "Japanese?" He shakes his head 'yes' finally.

"Oh my God. Hold on," I look up flower in Japanese. "Your name is Ayka?" I question. He shakes his head 'yes'. Yay I know his name. I wonder if they have the same name. The wolf transforms back into the boy and I look at him. Let's just say I shouldn't have looked.

"Um...sorry," he says going to his closet and putting on clothes. "Your wolf is cute," I say to him and he growls.

"I'm cutest though right?" He sounded like a little kid. "No," I said. It is true though. He isn't cute he's handsome. Actually he is more then handsome he is sexy.

He pouts and I had to say this. "Your handsome not cute," I don't like whenever people pout or cry. It makes me sad. His eyes turn to pure happiness.

"Do you know what a mate is?" What the hell is a mate. Is he talking about the people in British that say 'hey mate' to other people?

"Um... no," I am not stupid I just don't know. "A mate is someone that the moon goddess gives you that you spend your whole life with. The person is a wolf other half. It is the only person you want to have pups with," he explains. Wow so much things they don't teach in school.

"What happens if you don't want you mate?" I ask. "the wolf inside you will get very depressed and you will slowly get depressed as well, but nobody ever doesn't want there mate," nobody has ever disowned there mate before That's nice.

"What are the classes of werewolves?" I heard someone say that they had different classes of werewolves. I just wanted to make sure.

"Wolf's are ranked by there strength. I am the Alpha, which means I am the strongest. Everyone follow my orders and if one doesn't then they will die.

I have a Bata, which is when they are ranked one lower then me. My Bata is Nicholas. Bata's take control after the Alpha dies.

Next is healer's, healer's are the ones that heal the werewolves in the pack. They can identify any ancient medicine. They carry great power.

Next there are knights, they protect the village and the Alpha.

Lastly there are Omega wolf's , they are the regular ones that have power, but not much. They clean the homes and other things," that is alot off information to take in.

I only have one more question "what is your name?"

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