Part one😊❤️😊

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Friday Febuary,7,2019

Elsa Menzel was on her way to her American u litureture class that she has with her friends Cassandra ,Rapunzel wich everyone calls her Raps,Ariel,Jasmine,Belle and Merida. But then Elsa saw the most beautiful girl in the world at the desk next to her Anna levy. Elsa has know Anna since they were in diaper basically . But when they got older Elsa's feelings for Anna grew more and more and she did not want to ruin there friendship so she decided not to tell Anna she liked her. But when Elsa was one of the 2 only single people in the school. Her friends decided that they were going to force Elsa to ask out her crush for valentines day.So the following monday in the last five minutes of class They dared Elsa to ask anna out And see what happens.So Elsa went and did it. Elsa looked at Anna with a smile and asked her with a shy tone in her voice," Anna, will you um go out with me for um valentines day.with the feeling she might be rejected she shut her eyes and looked away.But then Anna Kissed Elsa lightly on the cheek and said yes as long as you go out with me for valentines day. Elsa said ok. She told her friends of course then they all were happy for elsa and anna finally getting together.

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