The date pt 2 (continued)

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As the alarm clock went off, Anna groaned, refusing to get up. All she could think about was the possible dream date her and Elsa would have. but then a knock at the door interrupted her though, she looked at her clock and panicked.she  overslept and totally forgot about her date.

Thursday, February 14, 2019, 8:15 pm

Anna finally after taking 15 minutes to get ready she finally opened the door and saw the most beautiful thing she has ever seen. She saw her true love, she saw her world, she saw Elsa.

Anna couldn't help but blush when she saw her.

Elsa was so beautiful. Anna just couldn't believe that she was seeing this with her own eyes. It was like looking at a goddess. She just starred at her until Elsa had to shake Anna's shoulders slightly to regain her focus. Anna being the goofball she as she was regaining her train of thought she fell backwards. She "accidentally " pulled Elsa down with her.

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