Chapter 6

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I awoke to my brain thundering inside my skull and my eyes were pinched closed. Everything seemed to be coming at me in different hits in my head and I couldn't stand it. I felt the back of my head had hurt the most, but it was so overwhelming, I felt it everywhere. The excruciating pain didn't wear off in the slightest as I sat there and didn't move.
The pain continued as I tried to peek through my lashes. "Jesus," I bit my lip when the pounding became stronger. It was so strong, I could hear it in my ears.
What in the world is going on?
I sat there with my head hung low and my hands covering my eyes until the pain seemed to gradually go away. Impatiently, I opened my eyes, which did give me a sharp pain around my eyes, and took in my surroundings.
Everything was clean. My room was organized the way it had been my whole life.
As if nothing happened.
"B-but," I mumbled as I jumped out of bed, yanked the curtains open and revealed a bright and shining landscape. I cringed at the sudden lighting. "What the hell?" I whispered.
"It did happen! I'm not crazy," I knew for sure the previous off settling event had occurred. "Why is everything so clean after such a disaster?"
I rummaged through my belongings that I had seen been tampered with last night. They were all in their designated places and nothing seemed out of place. Even my used props were the way I left them. This whole situation was unsettling because I knew for a fact my room had been trashed around last night! I am not that much of a lunatic to picture a whole room getting destroyed and only realizing it was a dream! I am not!
"This is insane," I huffed under my breath and climbed back into my bed, pulling the covers close as some sort of defense.
I pulled my thumb to my lips and nipped it softly. This was what I usually did when I pondered and thought deeply about things or situations. I really didn't mind it even though I remember my mother telling me it was unladylike to do such a thing.
I felt my memories nudge at me and immediately blocked them out. I knew that the moment I stopped focusing on blocking my thoughts, I was done for. I have done it before and I let it suffocate me, but I want a change. Need it actually, for myself and most importantly for Anna.
The wind tapped lightly at my window, an enormous contrast from what I had seen a few hours earlier. It tapped slowly, as if apologizing for the impulsive actions from last night. Feeling suddenly odd, I climbed out of bed and opened the window panes. The wind calmly entered my room, almost dancing gradually to each corner my room possessed.
That's when I noticed it. That's when I positively knew what I had experienced has truly happened.
The window sill still had the ice symbol engraved in a tiny matter. I kneeled down on the floor and brushed my finger tips on it. The symbol glowed slightly, or it could've been the sun, and showed itself more clearly. That is when I could make out a crescent moon opened on the left side with a detailed snowflake just in between the gap where the two ends of the moon met.
I aimlessly traced around the marking with ice to preserve it, and then I stood up. I needed to find out where this symbol had come from, or at the very least what it means.
If this symbol was placed here last night with such an event, then it must be a message. From what or, possibly, who, I don't know yet.
"Good morning, Silva," I smiled at her kindly which she returned with a surprised, but pleased expression.
"Your Majesty," she bowed slightly, "Would you like some breakfast?"
I politely denied. "I'm actually wondering if I have anything scheduled for the rest of the month or so,"
She eyed me suspiciously. "No, not that I have informed of. Why?"
"I just wanted to get some extra reading done at the library. Don't want to be completely uneducated when it comes to literature, you know?" I lied. Well, not completely, but it's not exactly the whole truth.
Raven did offer me service at the library last night, and what better way of finding out the meanings of any symbol than in a library? Even if she didn't invite me, I am the Queen, so I of all people may use the library to my leisure.
Silva rose a brow and nodded in agreement. "Well, very good for you, Elsa. Just don't go starve yourself,"
I rolled my eyes at her statement, but I did deeply appreciate her concern. "I won't,"
I set off out of my wing and into the normal halls of the castle. My thick hair was pulled into a bun and with my crown not sitting heavy on my head, I actually almost felt average. Not that I minded anyway, but it was a different sensation, one I bet I won't experience often. My dress was thin and simple, nothing too elegant or glamorous about it. It was a royal blue and the design included long, but tight sleeves and a slim fit throughout my stomach area. Although it really was breathtaking, it was the only simple looking dress I had in my closet. Even with it being one of the only simplest dress I owned, it still seemed too flashy, so I added a black hooded cape along with it.
I stalked down the hall in search of the library and Raven for a good ten minutes when I finally spotted her.
"Hey," I greeted as I tapped on Raven's shoulder.
She looked confused. "Uh, hello?" With a finger to my lips, I took off my hood swiftly and then put it back on. Raven's green eyes flashed in recognition.
"Why are you wearing a cape, Your Majesty?" she whispered carefully to not indulge the other castle workers on my situation.
I threw my head to the side. "Library," I hissed and she nodded.
Raven took me down the rest of the hall I was headed in and after a few lefts and rights, up to a tower. "Here we are, and if you don't mind telling me, why you're so sneaky today, Queen Elsa?" She asked as we climbed up the steps.
We had finally made it to the library and she pushed the huge door open. When she stuck out her hand, I unclipped my cape and handed it to her. She then hung it and motioned me to walk with her. I followed as I studied my surroundings. The walls were enormous, every little corner was covered in shelves that carried all kinds of books. Occasionally windows would be conveniently placed, but most of the room was illuminated by candles. All of my years of the castle being my home I had never known that this room existed.
Even if I did tell her the truth behind my motives, it wasn't likely to believe. She may even write me off as crazy, so I made up a poor excuse for my reason to come here.
"I've actually been having weird dreams lately and I was wondering if there was a book on..." I couldn't find the words to explain. I probably sounded stupid and weird to her. I bet she's thinking I'm out if my mind for even thinking there might be a book on anything like that.
I felt her notice my sudden silence and cut-off sentence. Raven turned around to look at me. "Dream meanings?" She suggested gently.
I gave her a look accompanied with a tiny polite smile. "And symbols, too."
"Ok well..." She led on as she introduced my to what had seemed to be a study. A huge one by that; it had about 20 tables with chairs pushed in and a fire place with 3 couches around it. I admired the room as she ran off.
"Incredible," I murmured and aimlessly walked around the perfectly placed furniture to find a perfect spot. I finally found one in a corner which had a book case hiding it. The corner was dark, but with a candle in hand, it had potential in being very comfortable and warm. I sat down in the wooden chair and observed my small area.
The walls were painted a deep and husky shade of blue with golden streaks and designs prancing around. With the limited light, the golden colors seemed dim and colorless just like when the pale moon shines through your window. The corner I chose was dark, not that I wasn't used to it, but this one seemed more comforting and small.
"Your Majesty?" Raven's call caused me to jump and I slammed my knee upward as I began to stand up. Wincing, I glanced up to see Raven walking in my area.
"The books you need are in this part of the library," She handed me a map and pointed to the area I needed to go to. "Here is where you are," Raven circled the area we were in with ink from a quill.
"If you need any help, there are huge ropes you can pull that ring a bell. I will assist you if you pull on them," She informed and I smiled gratefully at her.
I gave my thanks and sat back down as she walked away. Finally, I can figure out what the hell is wrong with me and what is going on.
sorry for the wait x.
(this is the dress Elsa was wearing except it was longer)

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