Stranger Things

18 3 0

Are you coming to the tree?
Will you be there with me?
Will you sit valiently upon the throne of branches we entertwined around the stone
Waiting for our love to be free
Will you love me?
Will you wait for me to be free?
Will you wait for the revelations of the revolution?
Stranger things have happened here
There would be no strangers in the love so cherished by thee.
I wish things were different
I wish we had spoken our vows
I wish our parents would've known our love to be true.
And now, they're having me hung, there at our tree...
Tell me, what will you do?
Will you stay with me.... will you stay by my side?
Please... Don't make me go through this alone...
I love thee...
I need thee...
I am true to thee...
I waited for thee...
I did not find thee...
You did not wait for me...
I-I thought you loved me...
I was wrong.
You left me alone.
You thought I was weak.
You thought I was broken.
You thought I was your toy.
Well... You were just a boy,
And your love was a decoy.
Then again... there are stranger things...

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