❃That'll Be The Day❃

905 24 16

Author's Note: Hope you enjoy it, and sorry for lack of updating. Now where were we?

End of Intermission

Part Two

George and (Y/n) drove up the road and parked in front of the sandwich shop. Shutting off the engine, the boy walked around the back of the car to open the passenger's side. The two stepped into the building, and prepared to order.

 The two stepped into the building, and prepared to order

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Oh how romantic. Vinegary sandwiches on what they wished was a date. Why am I being sarcastic if it was my own idea,,, but it's too late now oh well.

(Y/n) stared at the menu. Her eyes traveled to the third option.

(Y/n): Chip butty? Haven't tried yet. Crisps too? That doesn't seem overkill. Does it though? So many potatoes...

George: Now remember what John told you... Order for her and pay for the meal. If she offers to pay you just have to insist on it—shit now I have to say something or there'll be a pause.

"Would you like me to order for ya?" Geo asked kindly.

"Sure," she replied, "I think I'll go for a number three with a bag of crisps on the side."

"Great, I think I'll go for the same" he smiled. "Cokes too?"


The cashier with a name tag labeled Cheryll called for the next customer.


George: But is it suspicious if I order the same? Ah well, it's too late now.

(Y/n): She seems annoyed... Well the man in front of us took a million years.

The two walked up to the cashier as the old man dawdled over to the waiting bench by the door.

"Uh, we'll 'ave two number threes, two crisps, and two cokes, thanks," George said, a bit under his breath.

"Could ya speak a bit louder, son?" Cheryll stated dryly, "I don't have the ear's of an elephant you see."

"Two number threes, two crisps, and two cokes, please," he spoke up.

"Alright that'll be six 'n fifty pounds," she turned to the kitchen, "Two number threes, Jerr!" Cheryll went to the refrigerator and grabbed two bottles of coke. Then she picked up two bags of crisps from under the counter.

"Right up, Shells!"

(Y/n): I wonder if they're together... judging by their nicknames they seem affectionate, or do I just have love on the mind?

No they're just a sweet old couple who run a butty shop, it's canon now. Note: I almost hit publish and had a heart attack. All good now, by the time you're reading this I have at lease a couple hundred more words going on lol

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