The Iscariot Organization/ Encountering Father Anderson

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"Have you looked into Miss Nightroad as a part of the Vatican?" Integra asked Walter.

"Well, the part of her being a priestess of the Vatican was true, but she wasn't as violent or as prejudicial as the current members. And that was over 200 years ago. She also used a different name and appearance at the time. So it's natural that no one alive has heard of her and nowadays." Walter said. "She was known for for charity and honestly towards many people, even Protestants spoke highly of her. There's also no record of her attacking anyone unless they were rouge vampires."  He finished as he handed Integra an old picture. It was of Artemisia using the name 'Clarabelle' and her hair was shorter than it was now.

Artemisia was running some errands since it was her day off from work.

She needed to stock up on food, and she need to get a shipment of her specialty arrows to carve into. Then maybe spend a bit on herself to ease her mind of the previous night.

She had just finished getting groceries home, and found some new clothing for herself, since some were getting torn from her previous missions, and she was on her way back home from the woodsmiths when she encountered a certain priest.

"Nice evenin, don't Che think?" He said as he looked at the woman in front of him.

She didn't look like much, but there was something off about her. So he he charged at her with his bayonets and stick one in her abdomen.

With one swift movement Artemisia threw Anderson down the street with far more strength that any human should have. Anderson hit the ground, skidding to a stop on his backside, hitting a wall hard. He quickly pushed himself up as he watched Artemisia pull the long blade out of her abdomen and hold it firmly in her hand as her wound closed up.

"Be ye another yin o' them freaks," Anderson asked, pulling himself off the ground. "Ah just have tae aim for yer hert next time."

"I'm surprised you can even move. A throw like that should have kept you down for a while, but now I'm starting to remember something;" Artemisia said, with her bowgun out. "Father Alexander Anderson, the Paladin. A regenerator, the only one out of six to survive the experiments. The project was abandoned to cover up what happened. You were supposed to have been executed, but the same organization that created you just staged the execution and hid you away to use as a trump card against vampires and other unholy creatures of the night."

"How do ye know all this," Anderson snarled, looking incredibly furious. "Who are ye, ya wench?!"

"I am Artemisia Nightroad, just a random huntress, and former priestess," she answered flatly.

"Ye're the yin Sir Integra asked about," Anderson said, looking somewhat surprised. "Well, this saves meh the trouble of lookin' fer ye at Hellsing HQ."

"And just why would you be looking for me, Project Regenerator REG03," Artemisia said coldly as her eyes turned reddish.

"Heh… Hahahahaha! Oh, ye ARE good, Nightroad," Anderson laughed. "Ah was ordered tae bring ye back tae the Vatican. Maxwell wants tae have ae few words with ya."

"What if I decline?" Artemisia asked icily as Anderson pulled out another blade. "Are you going to kill me, then?"

"Ah'm not tae kill ye, but Ah was ordered tae take ya down if needed tae an' tae drag ya back there," he said, running at Artemisia at full speed.

While Anderson was dazed, Artemisia  quickly picked up the two other blades, spread out his arms, and ran them through the Paladin's arms straight through the concrete, pinning him to the sidewalk. She then took the third blade and held it to Anderson's throat. By that time Anderson was back and glaring up at the tall, white haired woman above him.

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