=Toothless x reader x light fury= jealous

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I have beem wanting to tell toothless that i like him for so long but everytime i try to hangout with him or try and tell him ge would always say 'Sorry i have to go somewhere' and them that stupid light fury comes and hangsout with him !!! i cant belive he woulf ditch me for her i mean she is pretty then me ...... does he like her i mean who coildent i hope they donts become mates i wanna be toothless mate he is so handsome and funny hehe but i guess if they do become mates i might as well leave who wants to be my mate anyways... i then hear toothless yelling in joy i looke i run over and saw him and her nuzzling i guess he must have asked her... great i started walking away i went to my spot it always makes me happy but this time not i started to cry just thinking about her and him together my heart was shattered i then heard someone i looked behind me to see hookfang "are you ol Y/N"he said to me " Y-yes i am" i lied to him "stop lieing and tell me" he said in an anger tone "fine *sigh* i like toothless i have always wanted to tell him how i felt i really wish he felt the same way but he doesnt he would always go off with her and never give me a change then i saw him and that light fury girl and he was nuzzling her..." a tear fell down my eye hookfang came closer and huged me "hes a fool not to see how beautiful you are a kind careing person like yoi deserves better" he said to me no one has ever said that to me i blushed and licked him on the cheek he looked at me blushing i just smiled we then stayed there until we got tired and went to our humans i never had one so i sleep in a cave i didnt care

part 2 coming soon :3

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