Chapter One// Wake Up

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"Takara..." I hear a soft voice whisper in my ear, followed by my body being shaked back and forth in an effort to wake me up. I slowly open my eyes to see my Mother beside me with a wide smile on her face. My Mother is really the sweetest person I know, always having an ecstatic expression glued to her face, followed by a sweet and soft voice. Sure, my Mother is a generally sweet person, but that doesn't mean she hasn't done at least one thing wrong. She's gotten a ticket here and there, but that's about it. What I'm trying to say is that my family steers clear from crime, not even a peek in that direction. After all, my Father was a Police Chief, at least, until the accident. One car didn't stop, and then boom. He was gone. My hero. My rock. My Father. Gone in an instant. In the snap of a finger. It's quite funny to realize that you never know what could happen, your whole life could be crushed in an instant. All it takes is one thing. One moment. One car. In an instant. In the snap of a finger. Come to think of it, it's pretty depressing to think about. It's not funny. But take that thought how you will.

After my Father died, my brother tried his best to take care of our family. But eventually, he had another family to take care of. "Oh, Takara! You're finally awake!" my Mother exclaims, seeing how my eyes have finally taken attention to hers. "Happy Birthday, Takara!" my Mother shouts, her voice bouncing off of my poster filled walls. As I blink sleep from my eyes, I notice a neatly wrapped package on the food stained carpet. "Oh, of course! The present!" My mother says, a smile beaming across her face. "Nice, a wrapped present. You know Christmas is over, right?" I mumble with sleep still draining my face. "It is?" my mom says with a small chuckle. "Well don't just stare at it, open it!" My mom says, with nothing but happiness escaping her lungs. Sometimes I wonder if her lungs are permanently stained with excitement. I mean, it seems her only emotion is excitement and happiness.

I pick up the tightly wrapped present, and slip my fingernail under the loose ribbon at the top. I continue ripping apart each side of the box, my mother beside me smiling with enthusiasm. There's something about opening presents that leave's both the gifter and the gifted waiting anxiously for whatever trinket is tucked inside. The feeling of ripping apart the packaging, excitement growing at every tear, is beyond satisfying. That satisfying feeling is why everyone excitedly waits for those special holidays when they get a present, when they get to feel that paper tearing beneath their fingertips. As I finally tear off the last of the thin green paper, I see a simple brown box. "A box, just what I wanted!" I say sarcastically, followed by a small chuckle. "I'm pretty sure what you wanted is IN the box. I think you're going to love it." my Mother says, her smile growing bigger.

I open the tape sealed box and see three long strips of paper. I grab the papers and turn them around in my hand. I look closely at the tiny words, pushing my glasses closer to my face in an effort to see the microscopic words in front of my face.                                                                                        No.



My eyes can't even believe what they're seeing. My mind can't even believe what I'm seeing. I can't even believe what I'm seeing. " NO FREAKING WAY-" I attempt to say in an effort to show my excitement, but I'm pretty sure my face already shows it all. "Well, read it to me! What does it say?" My mother asks, even though she clearly knows what it says. I've never understood why parents do those types of things, why they say they don't know something and act completely oblivious to what it is. When I was little, my mother and I would play hide and seek, and every time she would say the same thing, 'Where's my little Taka?'. Of course, my selfish self never wanted to play it again. I always hated pretending, and I still do. Like when my Father passed away, we all pretended everything was fine. We said to ourselves the same thing, 'If you love  him he truly never leaves you' but it's not true. He's gone, and he's not coming back no matter how hard I try to believe he will. 

"It says 'SAP Center Presents Panic! At The Disco, Pray For The Wicked Tour, on Friday June 8 2018 5:00-8:00 San Jose, CA.- That's today! No freaking way-" I practically shout to mom, excitement bubbling inside me.  "Tell me, how many tickets are there?" my mom asks, pointing to the now sweaty strips of paper. "One, Two-Three?!" I exclaim excitedly to my mother, sweat dripping down my not so large forehead (I had to). "That's right, Takara! Invite whoever you want, I'll drop you off at the SAP Center at around 3:00!" my mother tells me, my eyes going practically brighter than the sun. "Thank you so much mom." I tell my mother, tears about to cascade onto my freckled cheek. " I love you!" my mother tells me, pushing a light kiss to my forehead. A soon as she closes my Hot Topic-ified door, I immediately pick up my jet black phone and begin to jumble through my top contacts to text my two invites.

To: Jensen, Raven

Takara: You guys will not believe this.

Jensen: Wat? 

Takara: Three words. Panic! At The Disco

Raven: Taka that's four words 

Takara: idc

My excitement can't bare to let me stand still, not even for one second am I not practically jumping out of my skin. 

But nothing could prepare me for what would happen on Friday, June 8, 2018.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2018 ⏰

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