Emotional Changes

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Doug's POV
'That girl why is she still on my mind'


'I snapped out of my thoughts blood rushing to my face making it red probably like a tomato'

"Yes yes....sorry..I was to deep out of thought"

"That's OK Doug I was asking how do you think of the villains kids?"

"They seem a lil bit strange except for that one they kept leaving out Charming"

"You mean __ right she seems nice well see but we need to be on watch for anything"

"Yes I know Charming"

"Well Doug I gotta go I have practice"

'I watch as Charming leave and my head goes back to that girl'

___'s POV
'I wondering what Mal and them are up to I wish I could stop it but the least I can do is try not to get involved with them and let them do what they want it's not like I could help it all thanks to mal I can't do anything unless I want to be forever mute'


'I looked up to see Shannon looking at me with a concerned expression it shocked me...her expression I feel tears start to form in my eyes'

"___ are you alright...___"

"I'm sorry I am not use to being cared about.. Your expression shocked me"

"Oh ___ were you ignored"

'Tears were starting to travel down my face freely as I remember the times I was a burden to my mother and sister. I always tried to prove myself to them but I was to weak only Mal was strong enough to ever prove herself to mother'

"I always tried to make myself noticed, I tried to prove myself but in the end I was a failure"

"____, you won't be a failure hey look its only the first day and i already know a lot about you"

"Well I so try to hide my facial expressions you just happened to break it"

"Well I'm here for you, I can tell that you want to change I'll help"

'I looked up at Shannon my vision blurry from my tears with a sloppy smile on my face I feel so warm and happy in the inside that I didn't notice the change being made to me until Shannon gasped'

"___ your hair and your...your eyes"

'I got up to go see what she was talking about and looked'in the mirror *gasp* my eyes they are more alive happiness shined through them my hair was silkier and shiner looking more healthier then ever my skin looks healthy too'

"I don't know what happened Shannon why...what.."

'Then I realised Shannon did this I felt safe with her and trusted her so I turned to look at her'

"You you did this to me..you made me feel safe"

'Shannon was shocked at what I had said'

"Thank you"

'that was all I could get out of my mouth after everything then I noticed the time I had to get going Mal and them are going to get the wand I turned to Shannon and smiled'

" I'm going to get going and explore I'll see you later and yea I won't stay out late"

Shannon's POV
'I can't get what ___ said I helped changed her how bad is it on that isle but then again I could think and takes to her about this later for now I'm going to go see Doug awe __'s face when I figured out she has a crush on Doug then again it is a great opportunity'

I hoped you like this chapter I was going to write more but it is going to turn 1 soon and I mean 1 in the morning but do t worry I will be updating daily I will put the details in the authors note and schedule tommorow~~~~
  edited june 26, 2019

Doug x Reader (Rewritten On Dif Account)Where stories live. Discover now