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"No please don't take him!! Give me back my baby!" A woman yelled reaching and struggling to run as she was being restrained. Everything went black...

"Gwuuah-!" I gasped then everything became light again once I opened my eyes. It was a dream again. I look around becoming fully aware of where I am again. Shivers ran up and down my arms. I wiped my eyes and stretched. I wonder how early it is. If there was only a window in my room I'd be able to tell. "Good morning, boy." A lady in dress and apron greeted me standing in my door way. Her hands lay on top of one another and her hair was long and pushed behind her ears. She has very caring eyes. "Good Moring lady, who are you?" I started to get out of bed. "Oh me.. I'm no one, but I have been asked to come get you for the lord of this house." She looked away then back at me, "So come on, get up and follow me." She turned away and started walking down the hall. I scurried onto my feet and hopped out the room to catch up with her.

We walked in silence down the candle lit corridors. I was brought to this place the night before, being promised a bed and a roof over my head. I was 9 years old and living on the streets so of course I went with the men who brought me here. I don't know exactly where I am though. "Miss, what is this place?" I looked up at the lady who kept walking at a steady pace. "I'm assuming they offered you a place to stay when they found you somewhere on the street?" She glanced back at me. "Ah, well yes they did, but wh-" I was trying to respond but she interrupted "Yes of course, this is the house of Bonnefoy. I was taken in as well. Of course I didn't know what sort of people were taking me in.." her voice grew dark and I looked up at her. "What kind of people do you mean?" as we made our to a large door she started rummaging through her apron pocket for something. She pulled out a key ring and flicked through them until she found the right one. "Well the lord of this house.." she looked down and sighed, "well, you will soon be able to meet him, then you shall know what sort of a person he is." She turned the key and swung the doors open to a huge room the was dim only being lit with enormous candle lit chandeliers hanging on the ceiling that's so far from the floor. The walls towered around me and cloth banners hung on them with different designs and elaborate patterns. Everything seemed to be colored red and gold. The lord must be rich. I walked down a red carpet towards a man sitting in a large chair.. a thrown? Yes he must be so rich. Maybe he will take care of me.

The woman servant brought me towards the lord and presented me she then backed away and left me to be confronted. He looked down at me with a questioning look, but soon turned jolly. "So you must be my new boy then?" he asked in a very weird accent. He's French? I cleared my throat and looked him in the eyes, "I think so, were you the one who brought me here." His face showed a little surprise in it "Young boy are you from London town?" He asked me. "I am sir." I nodded my head "What is your name, petite?" He pointed at me "Arthur Kirkland sir." He gestured for me to come to him. He smiled. I walked up to him and he patted his lap. "Come sit." I climbed up and he lifted me onto his lap. "You are so little, so light." He chuckled. All of a sudden he pulled me close to him and he sniffed my neck. "Aggh! Stop that it's weird!" I pushed away from him and struggled to get away but he held me down. "Calm down, how old are you?" I stopped struggling seeing that it was useless. "I'm 9 years, almost 10 I think." He smirked "Ok well, you'll be staying here from now on. You will work for me and I will give you a place to stay. First you need a bath." Now this guy is just being annoying. "What if I don't want to stay here!" I complained. "Would you rather be on the streets of France. Then good luck. But I assure you will come back to me. The French winter isn't merciful to kids like you. And you aren't in your London now so you would have no clue where to go." He picked me up and set me down in front of his chair, "Now the woman who brought you here will show you around and bring you to the bath. She will take care of you. So don't give her trouble." I glared at him. He smiled again and asked the woman servant to bring me away. "See you soon, Arthur." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2018 ⏰

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