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Jackson kept introducing me to all these people but i got really bored so i told him i was gonna go get something to eat. At first he insisted he come with me but i made him stay with his friends so i could go find joey. I walked around to where i saw him earlier but he wasn't there. So i went inside and saw him sitting at a table on his phone. I slowly walked up to him and sat across from him. He then looked up from his phone and smiled at me. That god damn smile.
Joey: hey
Y/n: hi *i say lightly smiling*
Joey: im really sorry i know i shouldn't have reacted that way and- *i cut him off*
Y/n: no! i shouldn't have gotten upset over that after all you were only being a good boyfriend...
Joey: yeah.. but i shouldn't have let you walk off like that! *there's a moment of silence before i speak up*
Y/n: so we good now?
Joey: yeah.. we're good *he says with a smile while getting out of his seat to hug me*
I hug him back then we both walk down to the beach and start walking in the water. We were having fun just walking and talking when Jackson came up to me.
Jackson: hey y/n i want you to come meet someone- *he stopped talking as he saw i was with joey* oh
Y/n: um sorry but me and joey are actually leaving right now! catch ya later tho *i say as i drag joey away from him and the party*
Y/n: sorry i just really didn't want to be around him or his friends *i say laughing*
Joey: it's okay i was bored there anyways *he says laughing with me*
Joey: you know you look really good tonight *he says twirling me around*
Y/n: why thank you! you don't look so bad yourself *i say winking*
Joey smirks at me and i laugh then we continue walking back to the hotel. On the way to the hotel we walked to get ice cream (guys i love ice cream so much like you dont even understand okay enough about me). When we finally get back to the hotel i plop right onto the bed and joey sits right next to me laughing. I sit up next to him and smile. He leans in to kiss me and i kiss back.. then things start to get heated. (guys im low-key feeling awkward writing stuff like this help)
Should the next chapter be dirty?! im really not sure if i should cause this would be my first time writing that and i feel like it would be so award so lmk

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