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Chapter 4

The place was so much different from where we came from. There was a lot of land set for the farmers. Palm trees were all over with coconuts hanging on them. The greenish vegetation was so attractive to the eyes. As we approached granny's house, a fresh breeze from the west hit my face. It reminded me of the days mom used to take us to silver sands beach.

As usual mom didn't forget to give me advice that I should behave well and be a good example to my sisters. She told the same thing whenever we visited a new place. It had become like a song in my ears.

The door of the mud built house was left open and anyone passing by could see inside. It was not better than our previous house. The floor was covered with leaves and other debris as if there was no caretaker for the house.

'Hello! Anyone there?' Mom called out as we all got inside.

I could now get the full view of the house. There were four rooms, two on the left and the other two on right. The ceiling was half rotten with water damage and the rest of the adjoining walls were littered with holes.

The first room seemed as if no one had ever put a foot inside. It was dark and scary. The door was yet to be hung on its hinges and two large holes were in the ceiling that was yet to be fixed. I felt stuck and pissed off but did my best to ignore it all. We had to stay in that place for a period that no idea rang my head how long.

'Hello!' Still there was no reply but an old lady was coming from the far end of the house after the second call. What I had imagined about her physical appearance was completely wrong. She was too old with wrinkles all over her face although her pepper and salt hair looked good.

She calmly welcomed us but still she had not yet recognized us. She cleared her big rounded specs with her dress and put them on to aid her vision.

'MashaAllah! My grandchildren!' she exclaimed in disbelief.

At that moment mom didn't utter a word as if she was in a great shock. In my own head there was no room for sadness for it was clouded with excitement and joy at the prospect of meeting with a new family member. Not knowing what to do I rushed to where grandma was standing and put my little arms across her thighs so. Mom walked towards us with her eyes blinking continuously. Grandma's hands left my head onto mom's shoulders. They looked at each other for a moment and then hugged. Tears flowing down their eyes wet their clothes.

Grandma tried to say something with her trembling weepy voice but she couldn't complete a sentence. The pin drop silence made the moment to be so emotional.

'Maliha my daughter, you didn't even attempt to visit me for the past four years.' At last grandma put herself together and managed to speak.

'I tried mother, but responsibilities ma...' suddenly mom busted out into a loud sob.

'It's alright we can talk about all these later. Now that you are home be relaxed. Go put your bag in that room.' Grandma pointed with her shaky finger.

Mom went to refresh Aziza while grandma left to kitchen and brought back a jug of water. She was about to pour the water into a metallic glass when Aisha cried out,

'No, no that's dirty'

'Dirty?' grandma gave her a puzzled look.

'There is a black tiny insect in it'

She spilt the water off the glass and filled a plastic cup with fresh water from the jug. I quickly grabbed the cup and in one sip I emptied it. I was so thirsty that I drank four cups of water. I admired grandma's hospitality and kindness. She was no different to my dearest Miss Esther. God must have blessed all grandmothers with so much care to the children.

'Where is Babu? Is he out for some work or something?' in a low tone mom asked while preparing the two girls for a bath.

'What should I tell you Maliha.' Grandma paused for a while.

'Tell me mother! What's going on?' Mom was left in suspense.

Grandma pulled mom and they went to her room. We all followed them behind. Babu was lying still on the wooden bed as if he was in a deep sleep. He didn't move even a finger but he rolled his eyes to indicate that he was not sleeping.

'Hi babu it's me Maliha, I have brought your grandchildren with me.'

There was no response from him apart from rolling his eyes.

'What happened to him ma'? For how long has he been in this situation? Let's take him to hospital.'

'Two years.'

'What? No, no ma' two years? Tell me I didn't get it right. You said two years? Without informing me? You have my P.O.Box number why didn't you write me a letter?'

Mom's face expressed so much confusion. She talked randomly and made grandma feel guilty of herself.

'I didn't want to worry any of my children and for that I have taken the strength to keep it all by myself.' Her eyes filled with tears and turned red.

How she managed all those days taking care of the sick old man all by herself only God knows.

'You didn't even inform Salim, did you?'

'How could I? He has been so busy in town and I thought I could just handle it.'

I sat on the edge of the bed holding babu's pale arm. His eyes showed that he wanted to say something but he couldn't.

Grandma got married to Babu one year after her first husband, my mom's dad drowned in the sea. The ship he was travelling by sank and his body among other passengers' was never found. After months when there was no sign of him, he was assumed to be dead. He left behind three orphans, a son and two daughters.

My mom was not lucky to get her father's love. She was only three years when he drowned and disappeared. The greatest fear she was having was that same situation going to happen to me and my sisters. Always she prayed that we don't get to bare the same pain as she did.

At 8.30 pm grandma had finished the cooking. Mom wanted to give a helping hand but she didn't accept. The aromatic smell from the kitchen penetrated through my nose making my mouth to salivate. What a delicious food. In spite of her age, granny was a great cook and a strong lady.

After having the dinner mom put us into sleep because were all exhausted. As usual I never fell asleep easily. I would lie in bed for hours churning thoughts before exhaustion overcame me. My sisters beside me, grandma covered us with her hand stitched blanket. The sound of them sleeping meant peace for them.

It was a long and peaceful night. I dreamt of beautiful places that I had never been and awesome activities I had never done in my life.

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