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In the past, they called her a traitorous queen. One fit to be called a vicious snake who spared no one in the pursuit of power. Not even her own kin. Not the parents that brought her to life, raised her, and cared for her. Not the siblings that she grew up with and had supported her to the very end. She poisoned her parents and siblings, and cursed the remnants of maiden home.
She was called the cruelest of all mothers for she killed her own children, poisoning them the same way she did her parents. It is said that the queen watched as the two pitiful children suffered from the poison that slowly took the the beat from their hearts and the breath from their lungs.
She was the most heartless and brutal, not even showing respect to her own husband. She betrayed him to be with the general that dared to rebel at court.
They called her ungrateful.
They cursed her, and judged her by the numerous rumours that spread through every land they could.
But what the people didn't know was how each and everyone of her so called sins were placed meticulously by the true villains of the story.
It was her step mother that cursed and poisoned the household.
It was her sister that killed her children.
It was her beloved husband, the Emperor, whom she loved with all her heart, that betrayed her.
It was the Emperor that betrayed her.
She was truly kind, forgiving, but unfortunately, pathetically naive. She believed things would change for the better as long as she abided the virtues and morality befitting that of her position.
She had hoped and prayed that fate had more in store for her than to let her rot in sins she did not and would never commit. But alas, even the heavens abandoned her. And thus,  an innocent she was born, branded with sins she lived, and buried deep with hatred, she died.

For a thousand years, she fought for her innocence and a chance to change her fate. In front of the gates of heaven, she proved herself worthy of their mercy. As per compensation to her grievances, the good God of the heavens had time reversed, and as she breathed, again, her first. She brought with her everything she had learned not only from her past life, but also the thousand years she spent in the gates of purgatory. The heavens gave her a chance to meddle with her own destiny, to earn her revenge, and to review all the paths she might take. She found herself born as the same girl that would grow up to be the serpent queen. She vowed to change her fate, and determined, she will! She had a face full of smiles whilst inside a raging fire begging to be let out and burn all those that have hurt her into ashes. Her naivety, she forcefully pushed beneath the cold depths of her heart. She had abandoned her morals, virtues, and humane dedication. All for being a true Serpent Queen.

They say snakes are traitors, but truly, they are just survivors. Willing to do anything to live through the twists and turns of the cruel world they are born in. If I must be a snake, then I might as well rule them all. I might as well be a true serpent queen. A Serpentine with a throne of her very own.

"Nothing is more sweet than a scheme unfolded and revenge wrought carefully into place"

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