Chapter 3

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I made dinner.

"Soccers on." JUlian said.

 I screamed jumping on him.

 He sighed.

 My mom pushed me back into the kitchen.

 I groaned then finished.

 "Are you he can cook?" Julian said.

 My mom shrugged, "first time he cooked."

 They ate.

 They looked at me. 

 I looked at them up from my phone, "What I do?"

 "What is this?!" My mom said.

 "I crushed up cheetos put spices in there then fried it." I said.

 "Well. Make it every dad." My dad said.

 I rolled my eyes.

 Julian made me eat his.

 I looked at him, "I know my food tastes good."

 He hit my leg.

 I held it, "My leggie!"

 My dad gasped, "Ash  told you to not wear that shirt!"

 "But your my dad!" I said.

 They snickered. 

"not that kind of dad!" He whined.

 I snickered, "But. It's a dad!"

 They laughed at his reaction. 

 "dont wear it outside please." He said, "Anyways. It's take your son to work day so."

 "I'm your son." Julian said.

 "But you already come to work with me." Julian said.

 "Okay! I'm coming!" I said.

 "Wear a suit." He said.

 "Mommy. Can I come to work with you." I said.

 "Nope. Go to his work." He said.

 I grumbled.


Julian made me wear a suit.

 I changed it up though.

 He sighed showing me to his dad.

 "Good enough." He said.

 "Your gonna regret that your taking me." I held their hands then smiled.

 They smacked there heads when we got in.

 "Aw!" Everyone said then reconized me.

 "Oh god." I said.

 I let go of their hands.

 I get tackled with pictures. 

I sighed smiling in all of them.

 I breathed.

 The boys we're just laughing.

 "Julian take him." My dad said.

 He held my hand then dragged me some where.

 It was boring.

 I just helped him. 

He smiled, "Good boy!" He kissed me.

 I blushed.

 We walked home. Our dad was staying late a bit but came with us. 

My mom was crying.

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