the beginning

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In his room -which serves him as an office as well- the young man stares blankly at the ceiling. He has been waiting for customer's call for days but didn't receive any. Losing hope of finding a new client today too, he decided to make the bed -which was just a couch- ready for him to sleep after diner. After that, he went to the kitchen to grab some food when he realised that there's nothing left in his fridge. He sighed loudly and was about to go out for buying noodles at the nearest shop when a phone ringing alerted him.
"Hello! Detective Kim Taehyung to serve you!" He exclaims happily onto the phone. The caller just shrugs before replying bluntly. " Hello, I'm Min Yoongi. I have a job for you. Can we meet right now?" "Of course yeah, where do you want to? Just give me the adress and i'll come over" Taehyung replied excitedly. "Instead of you coming over, what about we meet up at your office ? I don't want us to be caught..." He said with a nervous tone in his voice. "Don't mind. The place is next to XXxxx, 4th floor, 416." "Okay, i think i'll get there in twenty." And he hung up before the detective could even reply. But he didn't mind though. He decided to clean up his "office" since he would had a visitor soon. He folded the sheets and duvet that he had put on his "bed" a moment ago and pulled them in the closet. Thrown all the cans and pizza's boxes into the bin and clean the table. Rearranged all the stuffs upper his desk as best as he could. He did inspect the room one last time before sitting down on the sofa and sighing with relief.

After few minutes past away, he heard the doorbell ringing. He got up from his spot and open up the door to the new comer. The stranger stared at him, quirking an eyebrow as he looked at the brown haired boy from head to toe. Taehyung frowned slightly, wondering why the man looked at him in such a weird way. Then he remembered. He had been wearing his pokemon pj the whole day and did forgot to change into his work's outfit. His eyes widening at the sudden realization. "Uh... i'm sorry, i should have wore something more convenient." He said, scratching the back of his neck, out of pure embarassement. Yoongi just mumbled a quiet "It's okay" before entering the room without an invitation. You're a dumb asshole! Taehyung said as he mentally slapped himself. He followed the black haired boy and sit across him. This is going to be a  very long night he internally thoughts...

Here's the first chapter of this story. I hope you're enjoying it ;) thanks for reading!

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