The beginning.

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The room was dark, nothing but streetlights to provide the room with light, a man is sat down opposite me in a wooden stool, beside him was an M1,56 A rifle made by the Shadows and commonly used in this bloody war.

"So tell me Jack when did this all start" the man asked in curiosity, I looked at him as he still sat back on the chair. I look through the curtains to make sure no one knew we was in this room then looked at the man.

"well this all Started when I was young and had a nightmare."

Wednesday October 6th 510AD:

My nightmares are repeating itself again, its dark in a forest, unlike a normal forest this one had no life to it. "Farther!" I yelled in hopes he would find me, but all I hear is the sound of a running lake nearby.

I have always had a fear of being alone but a lifeless forest only made things mush worse. "Jack" spoke a voice softly, I look around to find nothing, nobody standing near me but the voice was so close. "Jack" the voice whispered again, I couldn't help but notice the voice sounded oddly familiar. "Wake up Jack" the voice spoke as its tone seems to become nervous. Out of nowhere there was a bright light, I walked closer slowly as the sticks crunch underneath my feet, slowly everything goes black.

My eyes open but instead of a bright light or a dead forest I see a girl in front of me, I can see the moonlight reflect in her green eyes as she smiles with relief. "Sarah you worried me" I said softly, 

"Oh you're the one to talk" she said as she starts to sit on the side of my bed.

I looked at her as she looks upon the stars outside my window "What will you do if my parents are to awake" I asked with curiosity.

Sarah looked and me then smiled "oh you shan't worry, your farther had not long returned from the inn, I doubt they'll wake from their slumber".

I smiled as I knew she was right as my farther couldn't help but drink until he passes out, he works hard all the time earning such little coin to feed us be does what he can.

As i think about how my farther is at the inn a sudden shake begins to happen underneith us, all my furniture begins to move and some falling over, The fear on Sarahs face grew as we thought we was being attacked by another guild not far from us.

I heard a loud wooshing sound coming towards my house, Is this it? I asked myself in fear, Am i going to die. I heard the roof breaking in and the object hitting the ground and furniture setting on fire. I fell off my bed luckily i was in decent clothes to run and Sarah was dressed, as soon as we pushed ourselfs up a bright blue light came towards us. It didnt look like anything of this world, and for sure i knew we was going to die. As the light got brighter i felt my body give in and i guessed the same happaned with Sarah as we both fell to the ground, my head hit the ground hard and everything begun to go black.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2018 ⏰

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