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Why do I feel like I'm drowning?
I should be on top of the world.
But I've hit the rock bottom

I can't breathe
But there's still oxygen in my lungs

I'm right here.
Why does no one see me?
I'm not that deep.
Look at me

I look up
I see the clouds, I see them fly.
I should be with you
But I fell.
This was suppose to be good
But now I envy

Do you feel the same?
Does anyone feel this water?
I'm losing oxygen

I could swim back
But I'm so heavy
I need your help
But I can help myself too.
Is that fair to you?

Are you here too?
Right above me
Just out of my reach?
Do I wait for your drop?
I could come to you
But what's the fun in that
Earn me.

Do I even deserve you?
That's why I'm here

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