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    As I look at him, I notice that he is staring at me, so I turn my gaze to my best friend instead.

    “Why do you always look away when he is staring at you?” She questions me with raised eyebrows.

    “Because,” I start, “it takes courage to look into his eyes and not fall in love with them.” I sneak a peek at him through the protective waterfall that I call my hair, and I notice that he's still staring at me with so much intensity within his gaze.

    I try to avoid eye contact, but it seems as though my eyes have a mind of their own, and somehow, they manage to find his.

    That was the moment my entire life changed, and it wasn't one of those changes that happen gradually… so slowly that people don't even realize that the change has even happened. No, it was one of those changes that you could feel not just emotionally, but physically as well. Literally.

    I could physically feel this change happening. My heart sped up and skipped a few beats, my thoughts began to swirl, I felt this sense of euphoria, and I felt like I was falling. Like, physically falling through the air. That was when I realized I had made the biggest, yet greatest, mistake of my entire life, for I had fallen in love.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2018 ⏰

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