Welcome to the human world

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The boy called Jack opened the door into a carpeted furnished living room with an open fireplace and TV sitting by a silk curtained window, "You would never survive in our world." I said as I looked at him with an indifferent look on my face.

"First lesson." Jack turned around to look at me, "Sometimes when you say something like that it can hurt people's feelings."

"Demons can't lie." I muttered.

"Then just say it in a way it doesn't sound so hostile like instead of the harsh way you just did try saying.... You're lucky to live in this place." I nodded, as much as I hated what I had to do, my sisters and I needed to do this.

"So what about you're fathers." I asked, "Wont they react strangely to you bringing home three demons who are you imprisoned in soulless human bodies?"

"They will be glad that you aren't hurt... father Jamie will be anyway."

"What about Hnikarr?"

"He has a name you know." Jack said as he told us to sit on a chair, "His name is Nick. That reminds me we will have to give you names, Leviathan, Equinox and Loriana don't sound like human names people will wonder."

"We don't have names we just came to the names we felt called us." I stared at him, "You were the one who named me."

"Okay then, how about these names." He looked at Equinox, "Eden." He turned his glance to Loriana, "Sam." then finally me, "Harry." He paused for a minute, "My father always like the name Harry."

"I've heard of you're father and how Anzu used to torment him." I stated in a matter of fact.

"Humans don't bring up the fact about Demons." He looked back at me, "you must know some thing about humans." My sister as she had now been called; Eden, rose from the chair as she looked at her reflection with distaste at the black robes we were all shoved in, her sharp nails slashed the fabric as she tore the arms tying them into a bow around her waist while the black fabric moved like a dress down her but was sliced at the bottom so she could show the skin of her leg. She knew how to lure men and how to drive them insane.

The newly named Sam moved forward as she admired her reflection too as she curled her hair around her finger  then began to slice the material so that it looked tighter on her, she kept the hood of the robe, she tended to play the innocent way with her prey.

 Then there was me; I looked at my reflection, I could do nothing with a robe like this, "My father might have some spare clothes upstairs from when he was younger." Jack smiled and grabbed me by the hand but I flinched back away from his touch and he looked apologetically at me before he led the way up a flight of stairs where I walked into a large room with an equally large bed. "Why do all humans get to live in such comfort while we fend out in the cold." I muttered as Jack rummaged through a wardrobe where he pulled out a purple shirt and similar tight leather trousers which I figured would clamp around me quite well..

 I pulled the robe over my head and strode across the room bare while Jack looked away and blushed bright red, "What?" I looked at him, as I held a pair of boxers in my hands, (we had watched humans and how they had named everything and handled clothing as though appearance was the most important thing that would ever happen to them. Their wondering eye was how we were able to grab them so quickly in their sleep.) I shook my head not understanding his reaction as I pulled on the boxers and jeans then pulled the shirt over my head it read; Lock up your sons.

 I looked at him into his eyes and he grinned, "It suits you." He was still blushing.

"Why do you look at me like that." I stared deeper into his eyes trying to read the answer out of him like how I would have with my sisters.

Eyes are the window to the soul BoyxBoyWhere stories live. Discover now