Chapter Two

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I opened the letter to see neat cursive writing.

Dear stranger,

I know you don’t know who I am but I think that’s a good thing. You see I don’t have anything. I don’t have a house, money, or even a family. I lost it all for a stupid mistake and then I had her. Her name is Cecila. She’s a month old. She’s sitting in front of you right now because I know you’ll love her and take care of her more than I ever could.

When she’s older please explain to her that I did this for her own good. She needs a family that will love her and provide for her, something I can’t do. I can’t provide for her and I hate myself for it but I have to do this. Please take care of her and love her with all of you. Thank you.



-Cassandra’s POV-

I looked from a distance as he opened the door and read the letter I left on my baby’s chest. He looked confused but I could of swore that I saw tears in his eyes as he finished the letter.

-Justin’s POV-

I looked at the initials and tried to think of someone with those initials but no one came to mind. I looked at the baby in front of me and sighed. I couldn’t just leave her out here. She was looking at me and I couldn’t help but smile. She was a beautiful baby and somehow she looked familiar. She saw me smile and she smiled too. She was so cute.

Suddenly a gush of wind blew by and I noticed how cold it was out here. I picked up the car seat and brought her inside. I sat her on the couch and watched her. Then out of nowhere she began to cry.  I looked around in her seat and found a battle of milk.

I picked her up and watched as she settled down in my arms. I don’t know what I was going to do but I’m not going to leave her without a family.

-Cassandra’s POV-

He took Cecilia inside and I breathed a sigh of relief. I looked around to see if anyone saw me and thank god there was no one. I got up from my sitting position behind some bushes and ran to my house right next to his. Well, my old house. It’s not my house anymore.

I looked in the driveway and there was no cars, that means no one is home. I go the key from under the mat and went rushing upstairs to grab as many of my things I could. I grabbed clothes and shoes. Anything that I thought I needed or wanted.

I was putting some jewelry that I cherish in my bag when my eyes came upon a picture of my family. The picture was taken a month before I gave myself to him. We were so happy. We were inseparable. How could this happen to us?

I looked away from the picture wanting nothing more than to forget what they’ve said to me. I took one last look at my room and walked out the front door. I’m going to show them I don’t need them. That I can do better on my own. I didn’t them or anyone.


hey guys! so here's the second chapter! sorry for any mistakes i didn't proof read lol i'm sorry its so short hopefully next one will be longer!! any feedback will be gladly appreciated! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2014 ⏰

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