Cuddle Buddy - Taehyung

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Taehyung smiles in his sleep, and you were left to work alone with the project that was a pain in the ass to deal with.

As much as you want to kick the guy to his senses, you can't do that.

This angel-faced boy is actually a terrifying one. Needless to say, he was one of the worst delinquents you've ever encountered.

Forcing him to use his brain and work with you-will get you in trouble.

Big trouble.

You remembered the day you first met him, and his behavior was nastier than a bald Chihuahua.

Taehyung didn't take in the fact that you were a petite girl, and obviously the guy had more strength than you do. He gave that small scar on your right cheek after he mercilessly pushed you off for blocking his way, back in middle school.

And you still remember how your face collided with the floor.

You scrunch your face in disgust at the thought, glaring at the kid before you.

What pissed you off is even if he had a horrible attitude, the school couldn't get to expel him because of his high academics.

It was unfair.

"Ungrateful ass." you roll your eyes before passing up the Physics task. The classes extended until 11 pm, and it was a torture to every student.

Taehyung winks an eye open, grinning in victory.


No doubt, a lot ditched school today for their sleep.

You groaned out of laziness, opening the classroom door. If not for your father, then you would've been dating your bed just like the others right now.

"Kim Taehyung?" you chuckle like a drunk person, grinning at the sight of the boy that had widened eyes. "I didn't expect you to attend classes, unlike everyone else."

He watches you take a seat beside him before eyeing you suspiciously. "Why do you talk like that?"

For the first time, at least he wasn't going to start a fight.

"I couldn't sleep last night." you rub your eyes, sighing at the fact that you missed a good hour of napping and stayed awake for the whole night instead.

Sleep was precious for you, and you hate not getting a part of it.

He nodded, engaging more into the conversation. "Why can't you sleep? Do you have insomnia too?"

You shook your head, not understanding the medical term. "No, but I thought I was going crazy because lavender scent didn't help." you shrug, earning a laugh from Taehyung.

"You just need a cuddle buddy though," he says, and you furrow your brows.

"What for?"

You watch him lean on his chair as he takes out heating pads from his pocket. "Cuddle buddies are better than these things, and feeling safe as you go to sleep is one of the best things ever."

Before you knew it, you were widely smiling at the way he discussed how a cuddle buddy would make you feel safe and warm.

You never knew that this devil had a soft, childlike side to him.


The next day, you went back to school and you felt like losing your shit.

More students attended since they had a good portion of rest the day before-but obviously not you. Last night, you closed your eyes for hours and pretended to be a dead person but sleep never acknowledged.

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