"The end" is just the beginning...

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"Well, May...now that you've seen the outcomes of your choices...you have to pick one now.." Imp said, uneasily.

"I-I know..just give me a second..." May replied. A pit formed in her stomach as she thought about her decision.She knew deep in her heart what she had to do. She had to die. She had to let the vessels be happy. But was that really the only reason she was drawn to this choice...?

May shook that thought away quickly and took a deep breath.

"Imp...I have a decision." She gulped.

"And it is...?" Imp questioned. Scratching the back of his head nervously.

"I have to die." May stated coldly. Trying her hardest to suppress tears.

"You...are you sure...? You-"

"I'm sure, Imp. The vessels...they deserve happiness. I know that it's the right thing to do."

"Wow.." Imp trailed off in disbelief. "The May I met twelve days ago would not have chosen that at all..you've really changed.

The tan cat replied with a weak smile.

"I guess this means...I..have to.." Imp started, looking down at his paws. "I-I...have to..kill you." He soon felt warm tears fall down his face.

"Imp..just do it! I want to get it over with!" May shouted, not bothering to hide her emotions anymore. She let tears rush down her face as well. Imp took a few shallow breaths before everything was enveloped in a bright flash of light.

May opened her eyes weakly. "Oh...my God.." She looked around. She was in the familiar white "room" she had appeared in when she died the first time. "Hang on a second..." she muttered to herself. Where was Imp?!

May quickly stood up. "Imp??? Are you out here?"

"Imp? Hello??!"

"Imp..? Where are you..?"

She then felt a paw on her shoulder.

"I'm right here, kiddo..

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