Dear Diary

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4th February 2003

Dear diary,

Hmm, actually, this is my first time buying this book from the bookstore. My name is Monica, Monica Hudson to be exact.

Well, as always, I was called, again, by the psychiatrist in my junior high school, but this afternoon, my principal also sits beside her.

This is probably the eighth time since I sat in the seventh grade. They told me to write a diary, so I can open with myself more.

They said that they worried about me, because I never talk, always in the corner, and can't be as cheerful as my other friends. Well, here I am trying to fulfil what they asked me for.

I don't know if I can keep this up, writing my stories every day like they wanted to be. Yeah, I'm sorry if I can't continuously write my story like this one.

Is this thing a waste of money and time? I actually don't know, we'll see then.


12th May 2003

Dear diary,

It's really annoying!! I just stepped in my eighth grade, and I have already found my nemesis. Her name is April, and she's always trying to make fun of me the whole time.

I know that I'm not that talkative, I know that I'm not that popular, but at least I'm not trying to get into someone's business.

Why though? Why is the girl that popular always think that she has the higher power?

Why are she and her "gangs" pick on the girl that absolutely doing nothing in the class, and calling her "statue"?

Okay, let's be calm, hopefully, this is only the beginning of the semester. I hope that people will forget about this and move on, and try minding their own business later.

Even though I don't really like writing stuff on my diary, and I have only written like probably the ninth time, writing these kinds of stuff kinda makes me relieved.


14th June 2003

Dear diary,

Okay, it's getting WORSE!! Now not only April that is making fun of me, but probably all the students in the class.

Should I take any action? But what action? Knocking her out? Well, that's a good idea, or reporting her to the principal? Ugh, either way, it's gonna make a fuzz in the school.

My principal probably will call me to his office, or worse, maybe he will call my parents to meet him. Ohh right, I only have my mom right now, it's been like 6 months since my dad left us.

Hmm, and of course I don't want to put my mom in this situation, if only I can be more patient, handling problems like these like nothing. But, I guess it's only me and you, my dear diary, haha.

Once again, I feel relieved writing my emotions on you.


21st January 2004

Dear diary,

Noo, I can't handle this one, there's no one to talk to in my class, this is not fun at all. Nearly all the girls and probably boys in my class kinda keeping away from me.

April, ugghhhh, her influence. I don't know what to do now.

I'm trying to change, to be more active, but by the time the people knew that I'm the person that quiet, every time I want to talk, I don't have that courage anymore.

Val's Short StoriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora