say what

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mark walks into the kitchen. i wipe my tears away and he hugs my back and kisses my neck, "im sorry" he says i turn around and ask what he means "brendan gave me a brief explination and it really is non of my business but if there is anythin i can do, ill do it" he saysi thank him and he goes out to say by to the rest of the guys we both start to get dressed before i get my stuff on i get into my kelvin Klein under wear and matching bra and get him to take pictures of me, because im showing and this is important. "wow wasnt expecting this" he said and laughed, once the pictures were done he gets all suited up and i put on my scheifele jersey touch up my makeup and hair. "hun you rerady " i ask him and i look around to find him and he is lookin at himself in the merior i laugh and we both start checking our selves out in the merior and i just sigh "hey whats wrong" he asks "im getttng fat" i responde, "baby no your not" he places a hand on my stomach "your carying another human being, your not fat, and even if you were id love you anyway," he says, i smiled and he wiped my tears away. i got my shoes on an we head out the door towards bell mts place. ''we need to tell the guys sooner or later or there going to find out, look at me" i say and think back to the picture, im really happy with how my life is playin out Right now


HOLY that alex, awe she looks so good. but im nerves for how she tells the rest of the guys, is brendan going to have a different reaction, wow she looks good tho! they walk through the dressing room doors and say hi to everyone, her being pregnant is not to noticable, because she seems pretty good at hiding it, mark kisses her on the lips and she exits the room, im standing just outside the door and she sees me, "hi lex" "hey!!!" "how are you feeling "i ask her smile faded and said she was alright we went back to the arena lounge and waited till warm up

"so we are playing dallas on the weekend, u know them right?"

"ya mark brendan and blake, and i are good friends with tyler seguin and jamie benn and his brother jordie"
She says and I just look at her in astonishment not because wow this life style of incredible but how she manages to do all this plus know three of nhls voted hottest players
"Wow that will be exciting to see them right!" She looks at me and says ya
"We should probably head down to our seats, but um hey want like something to drink I'll get it you can take your seat" I ask just trying to help "Lexy please don't baby me, I'm fine" I nods and head down to the seats with her I can tell she's enjoying her self watching the guys skate around
I think she got her dates mixed up bcause I am pretty sure she said we played like nashville or buffalo today we are playing Edmonton.
Through our the first period there are many many many penalties for both teams and have already had two guys (one from our team, one from their team) get stitches
Second period rolls around and we are winning 1-0 mark goes up for a break away people cut infront of him he looses balance and crunches into the boards slowly but awkwardly

Alexandra point of VEIW
I'll I could see was my boyfriends hurt body landing on the ice sorounded by players of both teams and the athletic trainers. I was in shock kit knowing if he was ok. Or how badly he was hurt or just in general that's my boyfriend laying hurt on the ice I couldn't move I was scared

It was all in slow motion I didn't know how to react but shriek in pain
"MARK" Blake comes down and asks if I'm ok. But I don't responded I have so many things running through my head and then I had a sharp pain trying to move. I was in so much discomfort and I felt so bad for letting people on my team down because I'm hurt and I really am and don't know how long it will be the athletic trainer soon comes down to my side and asking me questions soon I was helped off the ice. I was questioned about my pain and stuff will the game was still going on I'm very sad I can't be out there right now with my guys
"Mark it  seems you broke your right collar bone, you will for sure be off the ice for one month I'm going I need you to go to the doctors in the morning take some Advil for pain if it gets worse and we can only hope for the best. We can go through therapy to help it heal but it won't do much all you need is to relax and be carful" he said and left the room so now I'm getting undressed to put my suit on and go up to the players box because I can't play once I'm done I slowly put on the sling that the medic gave me along with the althetic trainer and head up to the box. All I can also think about is Alex I wonder if she is ok. She is probably worrying so I decide to text her
*hey babe*

*MARK WHAT THE HELL!!!! Why didn't you text me earlier I was scared as hell*

*hey hey hey, I'm fine just can you come up to the box I need to see you😢

*fine be there in a minute*

*thanks babe love you*

*ya ya love you to*

And I waited for her to get here.

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