Just a normal day...

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I woke up next morning with a slam and yelling next door.... Kylie was home and this was going to be one big fight all right..after looking at all my socials media sites I decided to workout after that I took a shower and got ready for the day but no makeup I mean I wasn't a fan of it anyways, as I opened my door I saw Kylie and stass leaving but with Kylie's bags.

"Hey ky where are you going" I asked ever so nicely

"That's none of your business! Let's go stass."

They walked past me like as if I was the bad guy as if I did something wrong. I slowly made my was down into moms office just to see if she was okay and what was happening.

"Hey mom" i smiled at her. "Hey doll" but as usual my mom was busy looking at her screen getting work done. "So what was that all about with Kylie leaving with stass?" Mom signed and I know that never a good thing when it comes down to something.

"Kylie is going to be with stass until she feels like coming back home and all.. I mean I'm don't like it but if this helps her than so be it."

I felt so bad for my mother I mean she does so much for us and Kylie does this I mean she just needs to grow up. I just don't get it, Kylie has all these friends and always out and just having fun, like I don't get to do that I mean I barely have friends I just don't even get it.

Well I just need to forget about mrs bratty and get on myself and workout for upcoming event that tbh idk what will happen. I mean I don't even know what's happening right now to my modeling career!

As the day went by and I was outside tanning I got a text from my mom saying to go to her office so I did. "Hey ken the agency wants you to go there as soon as you can, there not telling me anything more so take a shower and go."

I did as my mom said, I quickly went upstairs washed up put on white jeans with a striped white and black crop top with black heels and out to my car.

All I could think of why did they want to meet with me without telling my mom what it even would be about, I mean with anything they let my mom know what's happening so I have an Idea for when I get there what will be happening.... But all I could think of is that..... THEY WANT TO FIRE ME...., or wore I didn't get the gig for Marc Jacobs.

As soon as I got to the building I parked into the parking space and went into the building. "Hi miss jenner" a tall blonde lady greeted me. "Would you follow me this way?" I nodded and followed her to Helens room where Helen and Liz were in and they told me to take a seat.

"So Kendall you know how you wanted to walk the runway for Marc Jacobs?" Liz said ever so sadly

"Well...." Helen said with a pause and that when I knew I didn't get the job and they would say it would be okay until.....

"YOUR GOING TO BE IN THE SHOW!!!!!!!!!" Helen and Liz both shouted at me and I could never be more excited I started to scream and dance in excitement.

"Here's the catch, you can not tell any of your friends and the only people you can really tell is you family but they can't tell anyone ether." I nodded knowing this would be the best runway ever!

"So when is it!?" I just couldn't hold my excitement, "well it February 13 2014... So you will have to wait and get into shape for this Kendall." I nodded in agreement and after that I went home.

Once I got home and told everyone the news they were all so excited and cheering for me but Kylie was still not there... Well I hope she supports me for this. Once I looked at the time it was 10 pm and I knew I had to go to bed. I laid in bed with the excitement of walking I just still can't believe I'm going to walk for MARC JACOBS!

HendallDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora