((Music camp stories))

322 13 12

((Ok so I got some good and bad stuff to talk about.
So mbtl was an amazing experiance and I loved it. I met some amazing weebs and lgbtq+ peeps.
So I went for my bass clarinet. There we are separated into 4 different bands according to your level of skill. Studio, Concert, Symphonic, and Wind. I was put in Concert, but honestly I think I should've been in Symphonic cause the music in Concert was kinda easy for me. But anyway it was pretty cool. There was one other bass camper clarinet and and 2 SAs (Staff Assistants) SAs are 10-12 graders who help the campers since the conductor couldn't help everyone (it's a massive band) 1 of my SAs was an otaku and she wore this Inuyasha shirt that looked pretty cool. And there was this other guy who wore a Death Note shirt with an aot hoodie. There was another SA in my band (french horn) who also liked anime but she dIdN't liKe aOt and said it was "overrated" or some shit. Bit she was cool I liked her. Then there was my counselors (the ones who stayed in the cabins and one of them was a queer anime fan. She was like the best counselor ever (even though she didn't like One Punch Man and also though aot was overrated) on the last day of camp she said "See you next year little queer." She was very chill. I was also her favorite camper because instead of saying "exuse me" to some hoe that was in my holy was I yelled out "Move I'm gay!"

Uh ye that's basically it.))


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