Everything Happens for a Reason (2)

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Madison Sleet

"That goddamn idiot!" I exclaimed out loud as I stormed towards Mister Sleet's office. How could that man just let the enemy capture Daniel!

I practically kicked the door open when I got there. Inside I found Williams already in a heated conversation with Sleet. As usual, the stoic figure of the man in bandages stood diligently at Mister Sleet's side.

"What the hell were you thinking!" I shouted at my father, not caring if I interrupted his conversation with Williams.

He straitened his round sunglasses. "Well, good evening to you too, Madison." he replied, grinning sarcastically.

"Don't 'good evening' me! I want to know what was going through your head when you sent Walker on that mission, on the exact same day he got out of the hospital." I shouted.

"I saw you on the television earlier today. Was it really necessary to push that poor reporter into a puddle?" He said, ignoring me.

"Dammit! Stop trying to change the subject! Why did you send him on that mission!?" I said, furious.

Sleet sighed. "To put it simply... I don't know." he said unimportantly

"So, you sent my men out there, to get Tom killed and Walker kidnapped for no reason!?" Williams yelled, slamming his fist on Mister Sleet's desk. The anger in his voice was obvious.

Sleet replied with, "Everything happens for a reason."

Williams and I sighed at Mister Sleet's well-used slogan.

"The order to send him on this mission wasn't mine." Sleet said, his grin seemed glued in place.

"What do you mean?" Williams and I said almost at the same time.

If he didn't give the order... Did the Council give it? That didn't make sense. The Council shouldn't have any interest in the North American Branch, so they shouldn't even know about Daniel. But, they are the only group high enough to give orders to Sleet.

"Well, are you going to tell us who gave the order, or not?" Williams said impatiently.

Sleet's grin grew wider, "The Index gave the order." He reached over to an awaiting coffee mug and took a long drink.

An uneasy silence hung in the air. That's impossible. There's no way that's true. The Index itself, giving an order. An order exclusive to the our Branch. I can't even remember the last time this happened.

"A-Are you sure?" Williams was the first one to speak.

"Yes, quite." Sleet said calmly. He quietly placed the mug back on the table.

"What do we do then?" I asked.

"I will send Agent  to observe them, but otherwise nothing." Sleet started, "The Index commanded me to let the White Masks capture him, wait at least six hours before moving in, and that was it, but if they attempt to convert him I will give the order to move in regardless of the time. I would rather loose our advantage entirely than let the enemy have one." he cleared his throat, "In other news, there was a murder in Grindale, Georgia that matches the profile of Vladimir Roche,"

The air in that room seemed dense now. Williams and I both know how dangerous his ability was. I remember the reading his report, he had killed his father along with three other refugees from Russia back in 2016. God, he was only ten years old too.

I focused my attention back on the conversation.

Mister Sleet continued, "I'm going to send Agent Willis to get a positive ID on him. If he does happen to find him, we will send reinforcements. What they do with him is up to them."

Sleet looked at me, "Madison, I need you to make sure that the Council doesn't catch wind of any of this, which should be relatively easy. Just snuff out any rumors starting to spread around the facility and I need you to take my seat at the table."

"What? Me? But they-"

"It will be fine." He said as he turned his attention towards a file on his desk. It was Daniel Walkers old profile. Why would he need to look at that again?

"You are dismissed."

Williams and I began to leave.

"Oh, and one last thing..." He called to our backs. We turned to face him again.

"I hope it stands without saying, that you are not to speak about the details of this meeting outside of this room."

He peered over his sunglasses with two beady yellow eyes that glow like small fireflies.

"Do I make myself clear?"

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