Erza's Back!

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AN: Disclaimer I do not own Fairytail

I really hope you enjoy it, I'll still be writing this fanfiction no matter what! I just want at least 1 vote. Lol

But anyway... Let's get on with the story!!!!


Erza's Pov

I walked past a huge crowd to catch a glimpse of Gray and Juvia hugging each other. Ahh, the memories, I guess the pep talk I gave Gray before I left Magnolia had worked. It seemed like they were dating. But even though I felt happy for them, I still felt a pang of sadness in my heart. 

What is this feeling? I asked myself. I ignored my thoughts. I walked to class 1-A and saw all the girls holding gifts for me.

"WELCOME BACK ERZA!!!" The girls screamed. They all gave gifts to me, the girls drowned me in gifts and I laughed. There was Lucy, Wendy, Mirajane, and Levy. The usual girls that I used to hang out with. I giggled when I saw Juvia skipping along with Gray.

" No one changed at all." I chuckled to myself. Mr.Makorav stumbled in the classroom, muttering something under his breath.

"Class, we have a new student. You may know her from a few years ago and now she's back. You can act the same way we know and love." Mr.Makorav Suggested.

"I'm back!!" I smiled. Then, I saw Gray and Natsu bickering with each other. I growled and shook my head in disapointment. I walked over to them.

"Do you dweebs know what you are doing?! You are disrespecting everyone here!" I yelled. A menacing face spreading. After that I punched Gray and Natsu up into the ceiling. Mr.Makorav didn't seem to notice since he was talking to Mirajane.

"That's Erza for you!" Everyone chorused. I saw Juvia glaring at me. I looked over at Gray, who was staring at me.

He blushed and looked away. I haven't changed much have I? I wondered. My hair has grown a bit longer and, I wasn't as cold as before... But, that's about it. Gray hasn't changed much last I saw him. He does look pretty hunky. I kind of hope he still has his stripping habit.

"What am I thinking?" I scolded to myself. Hopefully no one heard me.


Gray's Pov

The class went by fast. I couldn't help but look at Erza, she looked cuter than before, just like her scream.

"Gray, I'm going to need you to show Erza around. She may have been here before, but she must've forgotten where everything is." Mr.Makorav explained.

"And you can skip about 2 classes for this." Mr. Makorav put in. I grinned, skipping class? Don't need to ask me twice!

"Erza!" I called.

"Gray-sama!" Juvia yelled. I ran up to Erza hoping that Juvia would back off. I ignored Juvia and started chatting with Erza.

"Hey Erza, Makorav told me to show you around school." I muttered.

"It's Mr. Makorav and let's go!" Erza said sternly but happily. I smiled and I knew that Erza was back.


AN: That was my second chapter... I know, already weird. But, that's my thing!


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