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Request by anonymous
Enjoy :)
Y/n: your name
C/n: crush's name
B/f/n: best friends name
F/n: friends name
O/f/n: other friends name
Y/f/f: your favorite flower
"Alright, let's go over the plan." Said b/f/n, having way to much fun with this whole thing than she should have.

"Do we have to?" You asked, "we know what to do, let's get it over with."

"Yes, we do," started b/f/n, "Alright, so first, me and f/n go outside to c/n's locker and approach him, making small talk. I engage and distract him while  f/n slips the note in his locker. After f/n gives me the signal that she's good, we leave. And then when he opens the locker he'll see the more and read it. In the meantime all of this is going on o/f/n is in here with y/n, cleaning her up a bit. Only subtle changes though, otherwise it would look way to obvious."

"We got this. Let's go." Said f/n.

"Operation Clear Sky is underway." Said o/f/n.

"Hey! I wanted to say that!" Said b/f/n, as she walked through the women's restroom door.

B/f/n's pov (point of view)

Okay. Me and f/n walked through the door and went towards c/n's locker. We hung a couple feet back so it wouldn't look like we were waiting for him, and that we were just chilling.

"You have the note right?" I asked f/n, that note was the key to the whole thing.

"Yup." She said, "I kinda wanna proofread it, just make sure she's not embarrassing herself."

"Y/n knows what she's doing. Let's have faith. It's all gonna work out."

"Hey!" Whisper-yelled f/n, "there's c/n."

Me and f/n took off, walking casually immersed in fake conversation, when I "accidentally" bumped into c/n at his locker.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry, are you okay?" I said, worried.

"It's all good. I'm fine." He said, smiling reassuringly.

"Okay good. I feel so bad." I tried to buy more time for f/n to slip the note into his locker, but it seems like she didn't need it.

She gave me the thumbs up behind his head and we hastily said goodbye, walking back towards the women's restroom.

2nd person pov

O/f/n had redone your hair into a high ponytail and pulled a couple strands out. She gave you some lip balm that wasn't glossy, but made your lips look soft, and then swiped on some mascara to open up your eyes a bit more, and lastly, just because, she applied the slightest amount of highlight on your cheekbones, nose, and inner corner of your eyes.

You took a deep breath and popped your head out of the door, to see b/f/n and f/n walking towards the restroom.

"It's done." Said f/n.

You nodded, too scared and nervous to talk. You hugged your friends goodbye and walked towards your next class, which you had with c/n. Great.

You arrived in class a bit early and took out a copy of the note you had given to c/n. You had decided to keep a copy, just because of its sentimental value; this could be the end or beginning of something beautiful.

The note read: salut, donc ce n'est peut-être pas la meilleure façon de te le dire, mais c'est la seule façon de le faire. J'aime la façon dont tu souris, j'aime la façon dont tes yeux se plissent quand tu ris, j'aime ta détermination à comprendre quelque chose, j'aime ton sens de l'humour. je vous aime bien. beaucoup. J'ai des sentiments très forts pour vous, et j'ai pour un moment. Je comprends parfaitement si vous ne ressentez pas la même chose, vous n'avez rien à dire si vous ne voulez pas. Je pensais juste que tu devrais savoir. ~amour y/n

Crush Imagines Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang