Percy Jackson becomes a God

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Percy P.O.V

Here I was sitting in a tree just figuring out what to do with my life.


It was a normal day at Camp. I was doing Border Patrol with Clarisse when we heard a scream. We looked at each other and nodded

I ran to help the person and she to know the attack conch. I ran to the border to see a 14 year old on his back with a hellhound about to pounce on him.

I ran and quickly disposed of the hellhound and it's small pack. The boy glared at me then smirked.

He grabbed riptide and pushed me over. The camp came over the border and saw me on the the ground and the boy holding riptide.

"I just killed like 60 of them dog things as this guy sat and did nothing." He spoke loudly and proud.

No one belived it for multiple reasons. One riptide was back in my pocket, two I was covered in gold dust and he had none on his body and three you could see the shock in my eyes as he spoke.

When we walked over camp borders I saw a sign of a Laurel meaning Nike Goddess of Victory.

"All Hail John Kingston, Son of Nike Goddess of Victory" Chiron announced

3 months later

These last three months have been hell people betraying me and worse.

It started out with Katie claiming I'd destroyed her flower garden

Then the Stolls saying I ruined their new awesome prank that I had no idea about

The Leo saying I destroyed one of his automatons he was working on, he was angry he through a price of metal at me. It didn't hit me but missed by a lot, that hurt the most he was so angry he threw some thing at me and missed

Then Piper saying I was talking behind her back saying she was useless on the mission to kill Gaea and weak.

Them finally Jason, by this point the whole camp hated me, Jason saying it was my fault for the war with Gaea, and of the attack on CJ.

I was going on a quest for Athena, I had to retrieve a Apple of Imortallity and had to take two people with me to prove I had done it, I quickly Imed Nico and explained. He didn't betray me, first look at the guy and he punched him In the face. He agreed.

I also Imed Thalia and it was awkward because I had to instantly cut the connection and wait for her to IM me back. I did this because... well she was in the shower. After one really embarrassing and awkward conversation she agreed and Lady Artemis said she would drop her off, aswell as let me off for seeking one of her hunters naked because i cut the connection as soon as I saw it, and she was my cousin.

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