Guardian Angell

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            Don sat in his car where he had parked outside the cemetery.

            "Alright, I can do this," he said to himself. He took a deep breath and then opened te doors and got out. He paused for a moment before walking forward across the grounds. He stopped in from of a headstone and looked down sadly at the name. Jessica Angell.

            "Hey Jess," Don said quietly, "It's been a while since I was last here. I just – I've been dealing with a lot and it always hurts so much to come out here." He paused and wiped his eyes, trying to stop the tears from falling.

            "We're working on a case right now, an attempted assassination. Lindsay was hurt and she's in the hospital right now, but the doctors say she's gonna be fine. But, uh, this little girl was killed and I was there. It was like watching you die all over again Jess and... God Jess I miss you so much. I saw us being together for years, for the rest of our lives. I could see us getting married, having kids, and growing old together... But now I don't know what to do. It's been a few years that you've been gone and I still feel like I'm searching for answers to questions I don't even know." He stared at the headstone for a long time, trying to figure out what else to say.

            "I love you Jess," he said thickly. He chuckled slightly and wiped at his eyes again because, despite the ache he felt whenever he thought of her, he felt better.

            "You really are my guardian angel huh?" he said with a smile, "I've got to get back to work now, but I'll come back soon and I'll bring flowers next time, I promise." He turned and started walking out of the cemetery, determined to catch the guys they were looking for and make his girlfriend's memory proud.

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