Why Me? (Yandere! Darkiplier X Reader

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(Ex/N) Ex- boyfriend's name.
(Your P.O.V)
You walked home, sobbing quietly. You had just been fired and broke up with all in the same day. As you unlocked your apartment door, you inhaled a strong metallic smell. It was so awful, you held your nose. You needed to find the source. After all, it was your apartment. As you entered the living room, your heart dropped. It was your ex, sitting there, his arm cut off. He was alive, that was good. "Hello princess~." You heard a husky voice say behind you. You turned around to find no one. You look back at (Ex/N), fear filled in his eyes. "Sit." The same voice commanded. You did as you were told, not wanting to anger the person. As soon as you did, however, you felt your arms and legs being tied up. A man walked in front of you, holding a knife. He put the knife next to you on your in table, and grabbing a role of duct tape. He bit a piece off, and put it over your mouth. "I don't want to princess, but I can't have you or (Ex/N) screaming." He said, caressing your cheek. He walked to (Ex/N) and put a piece of duct tape over his mouth.
(Warning: Gore and Smut!)))
You sat and watched as the man picked up the knife and started to carve (Ex/N)'s chest like a pumpkin, smiling and looking back at you. You saw his ribs being cut through, his nerves and muscles severed, and his arterys being cut almost out. "Hold still, I'm almost done with you." The man said. You looked back at (Ex/N) and he was on the brink of death. "All done, except for one thing." The man said, and cut (Ex/N)'s head completely off his shoulders. You shivered in disgust and fear. You flinched as you saw (Ex/N)'s eye twitch. "Now that he's taken care of, it's time for you and me~" The man said, walking over. He gently pulled the tape off. "W-who are you?" You asked the man. "My name's Dark." He purred. "Dark" had black hair, black eyes, and grey skin. He wrapped his arms around you, untying the knot that held you to the chair. He untied you. "If you can successfully run from me, I'll let you go. But if not, your mine. Understand?" He asked, his face stone cold. You nodded and he untied you. "I'll give you five minutes. Run." He said. You picked up your feet, now regretting that you lived on the 7th floor. You slid down the staircase, it being faster. You ran into civilization, hoping he wouldn't try and take you in public. You entered a McDonalds and ran into the bathroom. You stayed there until an employee came to tell you it was closing. As you left, you saw Dark on the other side of the road. You ran, not caring how he found you. You ran into a populated park, considering it was late. You felt arms wrap around you. "I win. You're mine~" Dark said as you blacked out.

Hello. This is my first one shot book. (duh) I hoped you enjoyed. See y'all in the next chapter!

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